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Daniel was a retired special duty agent, who lived with his sister.

The advent of modern medication has caused both good and harm to the society.

Experiments are done, with the need for medication testers going high.

Faith, Daniel's sister feel victim to the manipulation of a scientist who trick younglings into testing his product. He promises good pay, and unlimited care during the time of testing the medication.

The mention of a huge pay, sparked a sense of joy in her heart, as she went through the terms and conditions, as well as the posible side effects of substance X, which is a medication said cure any type of disease and illness. Not excluding mental health issues.

Unknown to the general public, the effects of substance X is more deadly than revealed. It has an attribute of corrupting other medications, thereby turning anyone that takes it into a mindless killing machine.

The applicants for the drug test reported to the lab, where they were confined into separate rooms. 100 testers in general.
The test began with the first dose of substance X administered. Each patient received different dose of substance X, depending on their body mass, age and weight.

Substance X

Out of the 100 testers, none survived, as everyone was turned into mindless killers at the end of the test.

The news was hidden from the general public, but Daniel felt like something was wrong, so he did his investigation and found out the truth.

Daniel found out that the scientist, Ray, wanted to wage war against the entire nation. This is the reason he was inventing such medication.

Guns drawn, head held high up, eyes filled with rage and heart speaking of nothing but revenge, Daniel embarked on a solo mission to kill the scientist.

Upon entering the lab, the sounds of gun shot rang, bullets were flying like the fragrance of a sprayed perfume. Unlucky ones got shot, and Daniel went closer to his target, Ray.

He held back as he fought hand to hand with his sister. With great emotions, he knocked out his sister, in anticipation that a cure will be released.
Just as an angered dragon, Daniel let out a painful loud roar, after he knocked his sister out.

His target was a door away, so he went further.
In defence, Ray, with a shaky voice, tried to persuade Daniel to stop his rampage.

Is there a cure? Daniel asked while looking directly into Ray's eye.

A herb was mentioned by Ray, as the cure.

Guns already cocked, a a press on the trigger created a hole in Rays head, scattering his brains, and allowing the escape of red liquid, as Ray layed motionless.

With Rays death, comes the destruction of all modern medicine, as they were all infected by substance X. Substance X also met the same destruction.

Gradually, the nation began to form again, as the affect people were quarantined.

The herb was found, which cured the affected people, and gave them their sanity.

Herbs became the most trusted and reliable medication. Though not as effective as the modern medicine, it became a source of hope, knowing that it can't be corrupted as the modern medication.

Depending a hundred percent on herb is a No, because it poses some risk, when taken in high quantity.
Calculations and prescription must be made, in other to get its efficacy and reduce its side effects.

Depending on herbs was temporary, as the nation went in search for a new way of treatment.

This is my entry to the hive naija prompt.

Thank you for reading


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This story just seemed like those scientific movies I watch
I live how you used this story to relate thw importance of herbs. Bravo man


i"m glad to see that you love it.

thanks for stopping by
