Drinking Water Cooked with Firewood


What do you think of when you see a drink? I myself always think of drinks as life. Whether other people consider the drinks we consume valuable or not, it will all disappear when we are grateful for what we have now.

Hi @amazingdrinks community, finally I managed to take my time to participate in this theme contest. How happy I was when I read the theme this time, beyond my expectations, the idea of this theme is very interesting to be known by many people, namely the theme about the source of life for us in the form of drinking water, thanks to @sunshine29 who gave this extraordinary theme idea. Many parts of the world have their own ways to treat water that is suitable for consumption and in some other parts of the world even experience a water crisis. This makes me very sad and I always think that sometimes things are not fair. But whatever happens we need to be grateful for everything, of course the bad things will get better in the future.

Water is one of the sources of life for us to carry out various activities. In life water is referred to as the most important resource for maintaining health in order to create a better quality of life. As we know our body alone is 70% water so it is important for us to consume proper water and certainly clean water.

As someone who was born, living far away from luxuries, I am used to consuming treated water at home. The water treated at home is the best water from a spring that has been made almost decades since I lived here. The water is well water. Maybe some of you are confused about what a well is. Wells are excavations for springs 5 to 10 meters deep below ground level, it all depends on the springs found. Usually this excavation is done by professionals and in the traditional way. The excavation is given a round concrete ring with a wide diameter and of course coated with cement so that a well is formed which has considerable benefits for us.

All of our 100% water needs rely on the well water. Actually, the water in our area has good spring water from the government in the form of direct spring water and it must be paid for per month, again because my family lives very simply we always use private well water so that our monthly expenses are not too large. The well water that we use we rely on an electric water pump to flow to the place we want and collect the water in a large tub. From that tub, we as a family use it for all our clean water needs at home.

Well of course we take drinking water from the well, so how do we treat well water to make it suitable for consumption? Surely this is the question of everyone who may not be used to hearing well water being consumed for drinking.

Drinking Water Treatment From Well Water

Our family consumes well water every day as the best drink by cooking the water first. The water is cooked in large quantities of one to two large pots. I prepare the water from the well first in a large bucket, usually settling it for an hour. Then I put it in a large pot and cook it with firewood in my mother's wooden kitchen.

I usually light a big fire so that the water cooks quickly, then cover the dandang tightly to make sure there is no gap. The cooking process is quite time-consuming, usually I cook one large Pots for about an hour.

For a lot of water capacity, I don't know what is certain, usually one container lasts at most 1 week for consumption for 3 people. Also note when cooking water do not let the fire die and smoke during the cooking process, if that happens the water will be prone to smelling smoke later. So it will definitely make you uncomfortable when consuming later.It's very hot, and dangerous for children to be monitored while cooking. Another thing is that when I cook water I always sweat like a sauna so I often do other activities while monitoring the fire to keep it burning.

Cooked water is marked by perfectly boiling water, I never measure the temperature of the water when the water is finished cooking. But I always indicate that if the water has boiled until it bursts, it is a sign that the water is well cooked. Then after the water is cooked I filter the water with a very fine cloth filter. I made this filter myself with a cloth that has tight and slippery fibers. This minimizes the small invisible impurities that are carried over from the well water.

I store the cooled water in gallons of water or a simple dispenser at home and consume it every day. Just look at how clear this water is, just like the mountain water that is sold out there. There is no stain at all and the water is very hygienic and clean.

Actually, we have been processing water like this for generations from our family, we who live in the village are used to consuming water that is cooked first. We think cooked water is much healthier than the bottled water we buy out there. To cook water, you don't need to use firewood but you can do it with any stove in the amount you want.

Well back again because drinking water is the main need at home I always stock water for the next few days in large quantities. Sometimes in my area it often floods so that it will result in cloudy well water. Now stocking up in large quantities is enough to help me and my family continue to consume proper water every day. Water that is stored for several days does not change at all let alone smell it does not happen, because we store water in a closed container and clean of course.



About The Author

A woman, firm and stubborn who is called "Nurul", born in July 1993, comes from Indonesia, Aceh province. My daily activity is work.

Besides working, I have several hobbies, namely reading, writing, cooking, gardening, making crafts, and traveling. From this hobby of mine, I will develop some inspiring content for all of you. I am also very happy to discuss positive new things with all of you.

Hi Readers and Hivers, Thank you for reading and visiting my posts which are 100% copyrighted by myself, my own content, writings and photos, taken with the Samsung Galaxy A72 Smartphone.

See you in the next post

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Of course, boiled water will be healthier and more refreshing.


Terima kasih teman-teman, air yang direbus lebih baik daripada membeli air galon yang diproses dari mesin.


What can be better than boiling our well water through the process of to lit 🔥 a fire that will help quicken the water 💦 to boil briskly.

This process is so simple and straightforward, and definitely brings the water 💦 so purified for drinking, living us with confidence in our homes free of contamination through drinking water 💦 🥛.

Thank you so much for taking us through this process of boiling our water 💦 for purity and safety @nurfay. Its indeed one of the best process I involve in to make sure drinkable drinking-water 💦 is always available at home at all times.

Cheers 🥂 beautiful 😻. Wishing you best of luck 🥰❤️


That's right at home, I always don't skip boiling it's been done for a long time and I think it's the best way of water treatment. A simple process but very beneficial for sustainable health.


Hi @nurfay

Your entry is the first to this contest, thank you for taking the time to participate. You have explained in very detail the way in which you make the water drinkable, and I agree with you, that well water is healthier, and I also believe that it has more energy than that which can arrive through pipes.

I think it's great that you make the water drinkable through a prolonged boiling process, since this way there is certainty that bacteria, viruses, parasites and harmful microbes are destroyed.

I think it is not necessary to take the temperature of the water, because seeing it boiling is a clear sign that it has reached 100 degrees Celsius, a temperature that is deadly for many microorganisms. Applying an hour of fire also ensures the purity of the water.

Your entry is great. Thanks again for participating.


My mom and I are used to boiling water for a long time. This is the best way for us and we feel better by enjoying drinking water this way.

Thanks for this great contest I hope everyone can benefit from my writing. I am looking forward to the next entry from my friends in the community.



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