Baby Dragon | Creative Sunday


On this Creative Sunday, I made a green and yellow baby dragon. I got the idea to make a dragon from the tutorials of experts for beginners I saw on YouTube. Their innocence and bright colors have always fascinated me and finally, I decided to make this color of happiness with the beautiful dragon in my drawing. My dragon's body is green, which is a symbol of peace and tranquility. Yellow is also used in this drawing. These two colors give my drawing a lively and happy feeling.

This dragon is not just a work of art, but it is a way of my creative growth. I learned how important it is to be innovative and try new ideas.

So let's move on to its drawing and look at its procedure in detail.

First, I made a nice outline of the dragon with a lead pencil, in which I drew all its body features such as eyes, mouth, feet, tail, face, etc.

Then I drew the entire outline again with a black marker because filling in the lead pencil ruins the colors, so using a marker makes the outline permanent and doesn't ruin it even when filled in.

Then I applied a green color to her face. I felt like I gave her a weird texture because the colors didn't look clear at all, but when I added eyebrows and blush to her face, it started to look a little better.

Then I colored his whole body into the same color as his face I mean green moreover I added some color to the dots present all over his body. also, give a yellow color to the marks on his tail.

Then I colour his Central body part into the yellow colour and he is done I complete his drawing. I hope you like it. This is the final look of drawing I change its colour by using some editing features from my gallery.

Here is another picture of final drawing

Tell me in the comment section what are you going to make for making your Sunday creative. Thanks for reaching at the end. Allah Hafiz

0.000 NEOXAG