Gone Girl is a psychological thriller based on Gillian Flynn's Novel. The movie details the event surrounding Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) and his missing wife Amy (Rosamund Pike). It also starred Neil Patrick Harris, who played Amy's obsessed ex and Tyler Perry, Nick's Attorney.
The movie premiered on the 26th of September 2014and grossed over 369 million dollars. The movie also won Pike an Academy Award and Golden Globe Award for best actress.
@Lizyblue2 and I reviewed the movie and in this video where we share some of our hot takes. Watch the full video for more details.
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Great movie! Plus, an awesome performance from Rosamund Pike.
Man, am I the only one not making videos? I feel this is a very well-done discussion on a movie review. It's such a casual conversation. Are you doing videos too wiseagent?
lol! join the video chain. I actually think it is fun.
Yeah. I certainly enjoyed her performance. She embodied the character
The movie was entertaining from a philosophical point of view. Outside of this view, it was just creepy. I couldn't stop watching it and wondering where it was going to end. The husband was scum, but did his betrayal justify her actions? I don't think so, but I've heard that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. I hope not be in someone's path like that unless it becomes absolutely necessary.
I kinda agree with his. I have so many shocking moments watching this movie. The learnt at which went to peruse her vendetta was extreme.
Amy was a greater evil than her husband that is for sure
Lol! fear women.
Same here, but people can be crazy. I have hard stories of people being killed because they stepped on someone's toes, literally.
Nice movie review, is fun watching you and @lizyblue2 sharing your view about the vidoe.
thank you very much Funshee.
Is this the same gone girl,?
was it adapted from a book?