Homemade Fresh Strawberry Jam


Hello everyone💛

Greetings to everyone on a beautiful Sunday
How are you, dear friends? I hope everyone is well.

Spring has arrived and the sun has finally started to show its face in full.
Our hopes have blossomed again, life is worth living despite everything.

On this beautiful Sunday morning, I prepared a perfect strawberry jam for breakfast.

Although strawberries are a delicate and short-lived fruit, they are indispensable for us.

It is impossible to remain insensitive to its appearance and smell on the counters.

With its cute shape, it is the fruit that best suits the cake. Who can say no to a strawberry cake.

Strawberry means spring time. Strawberry is a wonderful fruit that attracts people with its fragrance and aroma.
Those who have the opportunity to go to strawberry gardens know. It is a pleasure to collect those fragrant strawberries from the branch. You pick a basket full of strawberries without realizing how time passes. The wonderful smell that remains in your hands is worth everything.

We have strawberries in our garden but they are just blooming. Unfortunately spring came late here so our strawberries are not ripe yet. When they are, I would definitely like to share them with you.
The soil is a wonderful cover, give it a little water, a little sun and it gives you endless beauty.
To think that this little red and sweet fruit grows in the soil,
It is impossible not to admire the power of nature once again.
Just appreciate it.

Now is the time to appreciate the beauties nature offers us...

Ingredients for this delicious strawberry jam:
500 g strawberries
500 g sugar
A few drops of lemon
1 teaspoon of butter

First of all, we start by washing the fresh strawberries gently. Although strawberries have a small surface area, it is useful to wash them well because there may be small insects on them.
I first wash them once under running water and then soak them in vinegar water for a while. After this stage, I wash them gently a few more times and drain the water.

I cut the stems of the washed strawberries and cut them in half because my strawberries were medium sized.

I put some of the chopped strawberries in a deep saucepan.

I put enough sugar to cover them.

For the second layer I put the remaining strawberries back in the pot.

And again I pour the sugar over the strawberries.
This way the sugar meets all the strawberries and gives a better flavor.

I cover the pot and leave it overnight.

As you can see, after waiting overnight, the sugar has dissolved and the strawberries are juicy.

I put the pot on the stove and start boiling

This is how it foams when making jam.

For best results, I use a spoon to remove the foam.

The jam has started to thicken and the strawberries are cooked, at this stage I add a few drops of lemon juice. This way there will be no sugaring.

I added a lot of butter before turning off the heat.

Let me share with you the method I use to determine the right consistency of the jam.
I take a spoonful of jam on a plate and wait for it to cool down a little. Then I draw a line in the middle with my finger. If this line connects immediately, the jam is not thick enough.
If it merges slowly, it is at full consistency.

And my delicious strawberry jam, which surrounds my house with its fragrant smell, is ready to eat.
If you make too much, put it in a hot hot jar and close the mouth of the jar and turn it upside down, this way it has a vacuum effect and can be stored for a long time without spoiling.

Bon appetit.
Thank you for reading.
Stay in Good Health

All photos and content are my own.
The photos were taken with a Samsung A72 smartphone.
All work is mine unless otherwise stated.

0.665 NEOXAG


Thank you for sharing this delicious strawberry jelly, special to eat with toast. Congratulations I love your photos

I Love You Heart GIF

0.002 NEOXAG

I'm glad you like it thank you:)

0.000 NEOXAG

This Strawberry Jam really came out so well @nidabyzt . Beautiful recipe. Thanks for sharing ❤✨untitled.gif
credit - Tenor

0.002 NEOXAG

I like the idea of a "perfect strawberry jam", you don't always get a recipe that shows so confidently hehehe.

Of course, if you can sometimes use such a fresh product from your own garden, you have a wonderful result. It would be lovely if you could share pictures of that beautiful space where you grow sometime, as you say, when the strawberries are ready.

As always your photographs are beautiful and inviting. So it is easy to imagine the delicious smell that you describe and the tasty result that I have no doubt you have obtained. Bon appetit!

0.000 NEOXAG