Ads on peakd or false hope?


I ended up on the landing page for peakd yesterday and saw this section down near the bottom of the page. NOthing out of the ordinary but one line in particular caught my eye.

Ads/ Promotions.

For heavily viewed communities and profiles.

Could it be. Could peakd finally implement ads and start generating revenue for the chain or it's users. I'll believe it when i see it but this would be great news.

I wrote so many posts about this over the years as have a lot of others. We must be the only social media site on the internet that doesn't generate revenue from our content. Revenue that could feed back to the creators or to the community as a whole.

Peakd is a heavily trafficked site so surely it could be generating a decent amount of revenue every month. I don't care if it's only a few hundred dollars as long as it buys hive off the market and puts buying pressure on the token. The higher we can drive the price then the more users that we will have. It's amazing how many old faces show up when Hive goes over a dollar and it's worth their time again.

It's all about getting positive momentum behind us and generating revenue from our community so that we can all benefit together.

Will soon ever become now??

I've seen a few other accounts on twitter with positive news lately so will we ever get to the stage where the tools are in place for apps to come here and build quickly and cheaply. That is where we need to be if we want to attract business to Hive.

Will this be a big year for hive or another false dawn???

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You better reach Jarvis or peakd team for more infos, they are cool guys

!PIZZA for you


I saw that Hive is EVM compatible
Can you tell me what EVM is?


Ads platform that buys hive on the monthly basis would be a good thing. Because if just generated the revenue and Hive has not been used then it would not help Hive price. But the ads used and also traffic from US, Canada, UK, and EU would help generate the revenue as South America and African traffic sources have CPM rate of 0.001 or so in some cases. I remember discussing this on LEO back in time when Khal was attempting.


I heard about the EVM thing, and I wonder if it could be true.
I've written a few posts about truly getting one of the frontend to have ads, the replies I got was that it would be too invasive
