Nose Out of Joint? Mind Your Own Business!


Back in basic school my classmates used to use the quote ‘paddle your own canoe’ so much that it was more like a normal quote to us.😂 As a woman, I know my gender and how some of us like to always interfere into others businesses.Some of us have still not learnt to paddle our own canoes. If you take a female friend group for example , you’d come to learn that all the friends in the group have a say in each other’s activities especially when it has to do with their sexual relationship with the other gender.

You’d observe that the friends are the ones to tell her how to talk to him, what she’s is to do when they get into a quarrel and how much money she should even take from him , how to and when to. At some point, the can all decide that she should break up with him and she would. There was actually an instance like this where a friend of mine got his heart broken because his girlfriend left him. She loved him but left him because her friends said he didn’t have money.😂

One thing I’ve learnt over the years is that you can’t advise someone in love. The best you can do is to just give your take and leave it at that. Some years ago, a friend of mine confided in me about what was going on in her relationship and asked for advice. I put myself in her shoes and told her what I would have done assuming I was in that position. We had been friends for so long and we would usually come to each other for any sort of help or advice in difficult times so this one with her partner wasn’t anything special to me. As a friend, I gave her the best advice any friend could give. Funny enough, I didn’t even advise her to leave her partner.

I didn’t know that the days to follow were actually going to be real dramatic ones for us. My friend all of a sudden stopped talking to me. I would call her, no reply. Text her, no reply but then I know she’s always with her phone. I thought I had done something wrong and so I sat down to think about my actions to towards her and nothing seemed to come to mind. Long story short, she confronted him about their issues and they had a fight. But that wasn’t all. He later come to apologize with gifts and sweet words and she was swept off her feet once again.

Guys, I was labeled as the weapon fashioned against their relationship.😂 They saw me to be the monkey trying to tear them apart and my friend wouldn’t even talk to anymore because her boyfriend said so. All I said to myself was, no shiver, we all know how the story ends.😂 Since she didn’t want to talk to me I also left her to be with her Prince Charming and we were both okay until she came to me one day crying over him again. I wanted to ask her why she was coming to me but then I just had to keep it to myself and console her.😂

She later asked me what she should do and all I told her was to follow her heart because affliction they say shall not befall you twice.😹 Who knows what name they would call me next? A frog? Rat? Or maybe even a goat.😂 I’m someone who values my peace of mind so much and so my number one rule in life is to mind my business. As they say in twi ‘As3m np3 Nipa, Nipa na 3p3 As3m’ which translates into, problem doesn’t find us, we find problems for ourselves. In this era, minding your business as an individual should be an everyday thing just like the oxygen you breathe.🤝

all images belong to me.


I knew it!
I was expecting to see the part where they call you the monkey trying to tear them apart

I hope she didn’t post it on her Whatsapp status🤣
