Music Education: Shaping Young Minds

Music they say is the heart of life. Music comes in so may forms with different meanings for different purposes. It’s funny how every corner of this earth has their own form of music. People in Ghana have their own genre of music as compared to someone in Sweden or another part of the world. But, music is what brings us together most of the time.

Sometimes I scroll through my social media and I see artists on their world tour and it’s so beautiful how music can unite a billion people from all walks of life. It’s really amazing. Now, let’s talk about the whole concept of music and children. I remember how back in crèche, nursery, kindergarten and through to high the main teaching strategy my teachers used was music. In crèche, we didn’t know anything aside crying, eating , playing around and going home. But trust me, there’s more to it than just these things. In as much as we thought we didn’t learn anything then, I’d like to believe most of us learnt our first sentences and words from those rhymes and songs being played on the Tv in the classroom all day.

Our teachers would sing to us for most part of the day while we watched these cartoons and danced to the tune. Oh, those were the days. Looking back to some 20 years ago, all I can say is, things have changed. We always talk about evolution and how it’s good to adapt to new thing but I never thought things would get to this. Tell me why kids in preschool and lower primary are singing and dancing to ‘have you seen the state of her body, mad -Central Cee’ instead of ‘baby shark doo doo doo doo baby shark’.

What really are our kids bing taught in school these days because these songs are just not it. Music shapes a child more than we think it does. The kind of content you feed your children with be it through words, music or what have you would play a huge role in shaping who they are or will be in future. Parents take their kids to school because they want them to learn what’s right but I guess some schools or should I say the system has a whole new agenda.

High school kids listening to all sorts of music and even practicing the words these musicians say. It’s funny how kids of today know more than even we the adults. And the most shocking part of all this is how everyone just seems to be okay with it all in the name of being woke. You want to be woke? I bet you’ll feel woke when you finally realize what your kids have become , thanks to the music they’re being fed with in school. This is why I’m totally against the whole concept of ‘our day’ in todays world. Imagine a school charging a fee of about 2 to 3 dollars just to play trash music for your kids to twerk to. Hell no!

I thought music was meant to be one of the best tools to promote teaching and learning in school but now it looks more like we are grooming ‘bad bitches’ and gang leaders in our schools. Let’s all endeavor to pay attention to our kids and be present in their lives because it is only through this that we can truly know who they are in order to shape them into responsible adults.

all images belong to me.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Your reflection on the value and function of music in the education of children and young people is very accurate and pertinent: it was positive in the past, and now seems not to be having the same effects. Best regards, @nhaji01.

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Your post has been voted by @celf.magazine, curatorial project and digital magazine about art and culture in Hive. Join our community and share your talent with us.


Let’s hope the future brings us a new view to this.
Thanks for passing by.


what a way to use words Nhaji! Damn! You really just hit the nail on the wall.

This made me laugh but it is sooo true! Seems like we are now grooming baddies and bitches who later end up on the streets 🥲… chai! This world😂


Haha, it had to be said. I’m glad you agree with me.
Thanks for passing by.


Ah this just reminded me of my little sister showing me a video of some kids dancing to “I like the way your body is”
Honestly eh, I said ahh what happened to “he lives in me” and all those ones we used to do with black skirt and white top with socks. These kids, I don’t want to even say what they were wearing for the choreography…I won’t be surprised if they are Accra Montessori. Your people can just over do things🤣


😂😂😂you forgot to add the white hand socks.
Now , everything is a freaking mess. Sigh.
