How Gratitude Creates A Positive Chain Reaction

Hello there,

I hope you’re having a great day. It’s Friday and I guess we are all excited about our plans for the weekend. I really don’t have any plans but let’s see what happens.

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Today I want us to talk about gratitude. What is gratitude? As we all know, gratitude simply talks about showing appreciation to others. Most of us don’t really comprehend the weight of showing or telling someone that you appreciate them for what they do for you.

Thinking back, most of us show little to no gratitude to our parents especially. Once I sat down to think about all that our parents have to go through everyday just to put food on the table for us. The stress they go through, putting their lives on the line yet when they get back home and ask for our help with petty stuff we frown our faces. I got you there right? Yes, I bet we all have done this before as kids and even some of us still do it as adults.

Now, imagine having to put your personal needs aside just to be able to cater for your kids and to make them comfortable only for them to not appreciate your efforts in the end. I mean even if someone from outside doesn’t show appreciation when you do something good for them it hurts sometimes talk-less of your own children. We don’t have to wait till we are older and richer before we decide to show appreciation to our parents because we don’t know what life has in store for us. Even if you can’t do something big for them just tell them how grateful you are for all that they have done and are still doing for you. If you can go further then you top it up with a gift or a lunch date. Lunch dates are not only meant a for your partners, you can take your parents on lunch dates also.😄

Moving on, to our friends. Have you ever asked yourself who your friend is? Most people we label to be our friends are in actual sense not our friends. Friendship has a different meaning all together in this era and we are gradually loosing good people in our lives because we don’t show gratitude. Imagine having someone go to great lengths for you and as a matter of fact you don’t even realise it because you are blinded by acts of fake friends. Sometimes it just takes a ‘thank you’ to have someone in your corner for life. Let us not take our friends for granted because they are those that will speak for you in places where you’re not present. Learn to appreciate your friends for being there for you.

Have you ever been in a situation where you offer help to a stranger and at the end of the day this individual doesn’t show gratitude and you even regret helping them? I’m sure we have all been in situations like this but let me tell you, someone being ungrateful to you doesn’t mean you should stop being who you are and being kind to others. It just means that we are all not equal in life. Most at times when we assume someone is ungrateful it might either be because they are actually ungrateful or they just forgot to thank you for your kind gesture. I have been in such a situation before and that was how I realised that if you’re doing something good for someone do it out of the goodness of your heart and not because you expect something in return because an act of kindness today can be payed back in ten folds in a few years time or even the next day.

To sum it all, as humans no one is perfect and we all need each other to grow so let us make it point to appreciate the little things people do for us and also return the favour when necessary. It doesn’t kill to be kind to others because where is our humanity if we can’t be there for others.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, thank you for your time.

all images belong to ke unless stated otherwise.


This is very true, and I might be guilty of acting up when my parents tell me to do something. But I don't do it again. I guess as I grew older, I gained a better understanding of the struggles they went through just to cater to us, so I dare not frown on my face when they ask for something in return.

Responsible parents are a blessing from heaven.

Thanks for sharing this insightful piece!


I’m glad you’ve changed from your bad ways.😂😂 I also used to frown my face as a kid but now I do it without them asking. May God make us great for our parents sake. Amen.
Thanks for passing by.


Showing gratitude is very important and I know this because I'm someone that offers help to so many people and I also assist some people's financially. Nigeria is a very hard place and there are times when I see people on the street and I just feel like assisting them in any way possible.

One of the things that inspires me to do more of this is the gratitude they show. I've noticed that I end up feeling more energetic whenever I receive gratitude for doing something nice and it inspires me to do more of that for the person.

You made very good points in this post. Well Done 👍


Indeed, there are still good people out there. In this generation, you rarely come across people who offer a helping hand to others because of what our society has become. Keep up the good work and keep doing you. All your acts of kindness will soon be repayed in ways you never imagined.


Amen. Thanks so much for the nice words. It's really inspiring.


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When appreciate the little given more come to you naturally,nice post sis


That’s very true. Thank you for passing by.
