Chilly and Drizzly Days


Most parts of Africa are known to have two season when it comes to weather conditions , and they are the rainy and dry seasons. Growing up in Ghana, I stayed in the south for most part of my life and so I only got to experience the rainy and dry seasons with a bit of harmattan as part of the dry seasons at the end of every year through to the start of the following year.

Moving to the northern part of Ghana was a huge change for me when it came to the weather. I had heard people say everything related to the weather here was extreme but I really didn’t think of it to be this severe. The first time I got here, in 2019, I spent my first 3 days indoors because it kept raining nonstop. On the fourth day, I had to step out in the rain in order to make it to class. I was so angry that I had to walk through the rain but guess what? I’m used to it now.

Currently it’s August, obviously, and we are experiencing the rainy season now. I must say, due to climate change, we haven’t really had a great weather pattern over the past few years. Most at times you get confused by how the weather misbehaves cos the sun can be out this minute and in the next second there’s rain pouring down from the skies. If you’re unlucky and you have your clothes dried outside, I’m sorry for you.

Now, I am used to the weather conditions here and I always make sure to check the weather for the week and plan accordingly. Who wants to do laundry on a rainy day? Not me. I recently traveled home and I was surprised by how cold the south was. On the normal, we expect the north to be colder than the south at this time of the year. But I guess it might because of the change in location for me. I felt so cold at home I was itching to come back to the north.😂

Over here, the weather has been good recently. Not too much rain with little to no sun. Perfect weather for your skin to be giving and it’s giving already. If you know, you know. But, amidst all calm and cold we have here, most people forget to talk about the downside of it all. The flu! I love the weather these days but I always someway somehow manage to catch the flu. This year, it feels a bit different as most people seem to have just a cough with sore throat. No signs of a cold or a runny nose. Must be something new I guess.

With all these pathogens in the air these days, we all must make sure to pay keen attention to our health so as to not come down with any severe illnesses. We all love a good weather but no one loves to fall sick. In the coming weeks, I look forward to having a very cool weather here in the northern and other parts of Ghana and I hope it’s the same with you all.

This is my entry to the #augustinleo prompt day 2. Read more about it here- August INLEO writing prompt.

all images belong to me.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Most parts of Africa are known to have two season when it comes to weather conditions , and they are the rainy and dry seasons.

I am sure about this, amd my best season is the rainy season


That’s everyone’s favorite. Haha


Rained for 3 days non-stop and you had to stay indoor? I don't think I have experienced a 3 days non-stop rain before. That serious


It gets worse sometimes but we still have to step out and act normal.😂😂
