Building A Healthy Haven: My Top Tips For A Thriving Home


One thing we all look forward to after a long day is getting home safe and sound to our family. You’d most likely forget all your problems once you step foot into your home because home is where your heart is. In this modern era, most people have moved from the idea of staying in larger households to smaller households for with their nuclear family for so many reasons.

Personally, I believe that family is important, both nuclear and extended but , sometimes we all need some sort of privacy. Looking at is from the safety point, I believe that smaller households have a higher chance of managing minor flus and the likes due to smaller number of people in the household. I say this because I have stayed in both an extended family house and a nuclear family house and I see how fast and how slow some of these basic infections are passed on from one person to the other.

Currently, I live with my nuclear family and most at times everyone is out handling their own stuff. The only free time everyone gets is either weekends or holidays but on a normal working day, you’re most likely to not even come across anyone at home because everyone would be in their rooms resting at the end of the day. In a household like this, it’s very easy for us to manage the home because everyone is old enough and understand some things.

Our health is very important and that’s how we have been groomed right from birth. There’s no way you’d see me walk into my bedroom with a slipper I used to roam town. You can imagine the kind of germs and what have you that I have carried around all day only for me to introduce them into my personal space. That’s not happening. We all play a role in keeping our home safe and today, I’d like to share a few of the ways we all contribute to achieving this.

Bedroom rules

As I stated earlier, no slippers or sneakers go into your room for so many reasons. Aside your footwear being new, we all understand that our footwear shouldn’t be found inside our bedrooms. There are so many people out there who even use their muddy shoes to walk around in their bedrooms. You never know the kind of organisms you’re dropping on the carpet or rug.

I’m mostly amazed when I see people eating in their rooms and even on their beds. Don’t you have a table or something? Everyone loves to be in their comfort zone but sometimes we need to differentiate right from wrong. Eating on your bed is a no no in my house. Food crumps can bring about bugs which would obviously reproduce in your room or even on your bed until the situation cannot be handled anymore

General house rules

In my house, washing of hands is a must. Once you return home from wherever you went, you have to first wash your hands before even coming in. Aside that , we also practice regular hand washing when the need be. Most people don’t even wash their hands until they need to use their hand to eat. Our hands are the first step to catching a flu or infection. You touch this and that, you carry germs, touch your nose, eyes or other parts of your body and that’s just how it starts.

Also, we all contribute to keeping the house clean at any point in time. We know not to leave dirty dishes in the sink or even leave rubbish sitting around the house. Once you see something you think is not right, you make sure to fix it because a healthy home is a healthy you. There are so many other ways we all contribute to ensure safety in the home but these are the few ones I would want to share with you. I hope this helps someone out there.

all images belong to me.


After I learned microbiology and health hazards, I started washing my hand 100 times a day. Those courses were curses because it opened my eyes to things I never knew. And for the house, forget about hygiene, as the person who cleans the living room every morning, you dare not bring your muddy slippers there, you’ll just regret that you were born😂


The bombastic side eye alone is enough to send a message.😂😂😂


I agree with all your points, a healthy home is a happy home and everyone in it should play their part in making it clean and healthy.

I'm in love with your pictures, they look very beautiful ❤️


You’re right.

I’m glad you loved them. Thanks for passing by.❤️❤️
