

Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough. - Henry Miller

Learning is a very easy thing for me because I’m a very curious person but it’s surprising how I had to learn some things the hard way. I guess we all have our strong hold. Being a cry baby, there’s so much I don’t talk about because I just won’t be able to hold my tears. Most at times, you’d find me lost in my thoughts. But, all this changed when I made a decision to be intentional about myself in all aspects of my life.

If you know me, you’d know that there’s always something going on in my life and someway somehow, it’s always chaotic at some point. I’m starting to believe that this year is my year of peace and quiet because a whole me is not up to anything today, tomorrow, or even the day after. Just living my life, eating well, and good vibes. I’ve had so much peace in my life over the past few months I feel I’m living a different life. I’m almost always brought to tears just by looking back at my life.

Everyday, I am reminded that things always work out in the end and I always reflect on a few things,


Yesterday I told my friend my life is the work of God. Why? Because God always comes through for me. No matter how long it takes, I believe that when the time is right, it will happen. And when it finally hits me, I realize that God did it again, like he always does!


I’ve always thought toxicity was only experienced mostly in romantic relationships. For example, situations where you’d have one party abusing the other, gaslighting them or what have you. It actually took me a lot of time to finally learn that even your friends and the people around you can be toxic for you. That’s the good part of always being open to learn.


The issue of toxicity brings me to the issue of acceptance. Before you can even make a change in your life, you’d have to get yourself to accept the situation , be it sweet or bitter. We mostly find ourselves in so much denial just because we wish to believe what’s happening isn’t true. But then, when you finally come to accept, then , you’re ready to move on.

Letting Go

From acceptance comes ease , healing and a fresh start. It can be hard to let go of toxic people because they can make you feel like they are the very air that you breathe. Being able to do away with them actually takes a lot of time and you’d always feel something being missing in your life but guess what? You’d come to realize that it was worth it. Good riddance indeed.

You deserve the best

Whatever is it that’s going on in your life, never settle for less because you deserve the best. Even if you do not realize it now, you will one day. So, stay positive and accept only positivity in your life.

I hope this inspires someone to finally let go , put themselves first and accept only genuine people in their life.

all images belong to me.


This was like a coincidence because I realized I’ve been toxic to myself in a way for a long time
It’s not so easy to stop, it takes time but maybe this is a reminder that no matter how long it takes, I should keep going


There’s no reason to not keep going. If it’s for you, go to the end of the world to get to done.
