A Longing for Lost Humanity

Take me back to the days of our forefathers, where everyone lived as one big family. The days when people cared genuinely for one another and there was so my joy and laughter in the atmosphere. But, what do we see today? Everyone is only looking out for himself. We don’t even love our own neighbors as ourselves. I bet we don’t even know our neighbors. What is life if we can’t be there for one another.

Looking at world today today, it’s a whole new story from those we were told of of the olden days. Today, all we see is suffering, poverty, war and many others heartbreaking experiences. Where did our humanity go? Even the closest of friends have turned to worst enemies, people no more marry for love but for material things and positions. Even countries can’t be at peace with each other anymore. It’s from one war to another. Over what? A piece of land? What we seem to forget is that this world is nothing. We came to meet it and we would leave it as we came to meet it.

Take a walk along the streets and you would be surprised by the number of homeless people out there. It isn’t as if the world is poor. There are billionaires and millionaires out there but our fellow human beings are left to sleep out in the cold. How do you feel when you see such people out there? Sad? Unbothered?

I agree that we are all dealing with our own shit out here. Life isn’t fair, but that doesn’t mean we can’t lend a helping hand to the less privileged. If I could bring back something from the old days, it would surely be our humanity.

I remember how everyone thought my grandfather was crazy because he decided to take in a stranger into his house. This young man stayed in my grandparents house for almost a year and he grew to be like our family because everyone treated him as such. Who would have thought that one of my uncles would find himself in the young man’s country a few years after his left us. This young man also made sure to treat my uncle just like he was treated when he was in Ghana.

What more could I want than to see everyone of us living in love and happiness. People watching out for each other and doing their possible best to make the lives of others easier. As they say, what goes around, comes around. Whatever you do for someone today, would one day come back to you in a million folds. That’s the law of life.

Life is beautiful, but not everyone sees that because we all have different views of the world based on our experiences. I know that one person can’t change the world, but if we came together as one, the world would be a much better place.

all images belong to me.


It's so pathetic how the world has evolved. Love is only preached on the lips but no longer practiced. Things has Changed, that sense of humanity is dead and long gone.


You know right? Things have changed and we need to restructure things all over again.


Oh wow, I got stuck at where your grandpa took in a stranger and then he got to help your uncle some years later.
Not me hoping that the money I gave to my friend in Jhs finds it way back to me🥹


😂😂 the money is gone so you better stop thinking about it.


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The system has gone beyond repair, no single love, the worst part is the fact that the way marriage break, the rate people kill either wife or husband because of matters that have no substance.


Honestly,it’s really scary. How can you kill someone you claim to love. Life is scary.
