Newbies Initiative
Hello, the Hive Newbie Initiative Program's newest cycle has started. The goal of this program is to assist new users or those who haven't yet found out how to use the platform correctly.
Let us tell you a bit about it
The program informs users on the functionality of Hive and offers tips and recommendations for enhancing everyone's presence there.
The initiative would last two months, with different activities assigned to participants each week. To ensure that the tasks are thoroughly understood, there will be a live meeting on Discord every week on Saturdays from 7pm to 8pm GMT with an instructor or mentor from the initiative to explain each assignment and answer any questions about the task.
For those users who do not speak English, a translator will be sought to assist with translations; however, you must request such assistance. If no users have indicated that they require translation, correspondence will remain in English, as will following posts relating to assignments.

Iniciativa de Novatos
Hola, el nuevo ciclo del Programa de Iniciativa para Novatos de Hive ha comenzado. El objetivo de este programa es ayudar a los nuevos usuarios o a aquellos que aún no han descubierto cómo utilizar la plataforma correctamente.
Te contamos un poco sobre él
El programa informa a los usuarios sobre la funcionalidad de Hive y ofrece consejos y recomendaciones para mejorar la presencia de cada uno en ella.
La iniciativa duraría dos meses, con diferentes actividades asignadas a los participantes cada semana. Para asegurarse de que las tareas se entienden a fondo, habrá una reunión en directo en Discord cada semana, los sábados de 19 a 20 horas GMT, con un instructor o mentor de la iniciativa que explicará cada tarea y responderá a cualquier pregunta sobre la misma.
Para aquellos usuarios que no hablen inglés, se buscará un traductor para ayudar con las traducciones; sin embargo, debes solicitar dicha asistencia. Si ningún usuario ha indicado que necesita traducción, la correspondencia seguirá siendo en inglés, al igual que los siguientes mensajes relacionados con las tareas.

Some changes in the
One of the adjustments is the creation of Team Leaders. They will be three TLs who have been selected from the prior initiative and have qualified for that position. Each Team Leader will be given ten accounts to manage and encourage to be active. He or she can advise them on what or how to improve their content writing or share distinct issues from various communities. The Team Leader will report on the accomplishments of the users he/she mentors.
The report will include information such as how many users finished the specified assignment, whether they remain in the initiative, and other parameters.
It is important to know that Team Leader will publish this report within 3 days from the due date of the given task.
The total number of users that can participate in the program is 30 accounts. Each account will be carefully reviewed to see if it meets all the criteria to be included in the initiative.
We eliminate the need to write a post to enter. This time all applications will be in the form of a comment below this post, and must be in the specific format
It is important to know that this is a training program, users enter it of their own volition, not for votes of support. We cannot guarantee that every post written during the program by a participant will have support.
As the program is now in its second year, we have a large collection of tutorials and do not anticipate creating any new ones unless it is imperative. New tutorials will be made if a new element is added to the newbie program.
Once the number of users participating in the program has been specified, as well as who their Team Leaders will be, they will be asked to contact @projectmamabg on Discord (projectmamabg#3575) to create a badge for their first task.
¿Algunos cambios en la iniciativa?
Uno de los ajustes es la creación de Líderes de Equipo. Serán tres TLs que han sido seleccionados de la iniciativa anterior y han calificado para esa posición. A cada jefe de equipo se le asignarán diez cuentas para que las gestione y las anime a estar activas. Podrá aconsejarles sobre qué o cómo mejorar su redacción de contenidos o compartir distintos temas de varias comunidades. El jefe de equipo informará sobre los logros de los usuarios que tutela.
El informe incluirá información como cuántos usuarios terminaron la tarea especificada, si permanecen en la iniciativa y otros parámetros.
Es importante saber que el Líder del Equipo publicará este informe en un plazo de 3 días a partir de la fecha de finalización de la tarea determinada.
El número total de usuarios que pueden participar en el programa es de 30 cuentas. Cada cuenta será revisada cuidadosamente para ver si cumple con todos los criterios para ser incluida en la iniciativa.
Eliminamos la necesidad de escribir un post para entrar. En esta ocasión todas las solicitudes serán en forma de comentario debajo de este post, y deberán tener el formato específico
Es importante saber que se trata de un programa de formación, los usuarios entran por voluntad propia, no por votos de apoyo. No podemos garantizar que cada post escrito durante el programa por un participante tenga apoyo.
Como el programa está ahora en su segundo año, tenemos una gran colección de tutoriales y no prevemos crear ninguno nuevo a menos que sea imperativo. Se harán nuevos tutoriales si se añade un nuevo elemento al programa de novatos.
Una vez que se haya especificado el número de usuarios que participarán en el programa, así como quiénes serán sus líderes de equipo, se les pedirá que se pongan en contacto con @projectmamabg en Discord (projectmamabg#3575) para crear una insignia para su primera tarea.

How to Apply:
- Your account must be no older than 6 months (calculated from the first post on the platform)
- A maximum of 60 reputation
- A maximum HP of 500 (All time, it would be crosschecked)
- The entry must be added as a comment on this publication in the following format
Cómo aplicar:
- Tu cuenta no debe tener más de 6 meses de antigüedad (calculada a partir de la primera publicación en la plataforma)
- Un máximo de 60 de reputación
- Un máximo de 500 de HP (Todo el tiempo, se verificaría de forma cruzada)
- La entrada debe ser añadida como un comentario en esta publicación en el siguiente formato
Application | Account | @ your account |
First Post Published | Date | Link |
Introduction Post | Date | Link |
Hive Power | Your own HP Without delegation | Delegation |
Reputation | Number |
I understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Aplicación | Cuenta | @ nombre de usuario |
Primer puesto publicado | Fecha | Enlace |
Introducción | Fecha | Enlace |
Poder del HIVE | Su propio HP sin delegación | Delegación |
Reputación | Número |
Entiendo que el objetivo principal del programa es enseñar a los usuarios a utilizar la plataforma y que la obtención de votos no está garantizada.

High-quality newbies posts on the #newbies-initiative-posts channel in the SMILE DISCORD SERVER will receive upvotes.
High-quality newbies post published in the Hive Learners Community would be selected for curation.
Newbies can ask us anything they want to know about Hive or blogging-related topics in our SMILE DISCORD SERVER under the #help-chat in the "ALIENTO" category.
You'll get to know new authors, communities, and initiatives.
Finally, by completing tasks, commenting, posting, upvoting, and making transfers, Newbies will beat at least part of Hive's learning curve. They will be ready to grow as Hivers and become part of this thriving community.
Las publicaciones de alta calidad de los novatos en el canal #newbies-initiative-posts en el SMILE DISCORD SERVER recibirán upvotes.
Los posts de alta calidad de los novatos publicados en la Hive Learners Community serán seleccionados para su curación.
Los novatos pueden preguntarnos cualquier cosa que quieran saber sobre Hive o temas relacionados con los blogs en nuestro SMILE DISCORD SERVER bajo el #help-chat en la categoría "ALIENTO".
Conocerás nuevos autores, comunidades e iniciativas.
Por último, al completar las tareas, comentar, publicar, votar y hacer transferencias, los novatos superarán al menos parte de la curva de aprendizaje de Hive. Estarán preparados para crecer como Hivers y formar parte de esta próspera comunidad.

Final Words
We are thankful for this opportunity to help Newbies once again. It's always a pleasure to help new Hive users. Besides the people we already mentioned here, we want to thank @theycallmedan and the @aliento team.
Remember to join the SMILE and Hive Learners Discord Servers
Palabras Finales
Estamos agradecidos por esta oportunidad de ayudar a los novatos una vez más. Siempre es un placer ayudar a los nuevos usuarios de Hive. Además de las personas que ya mencionamos aquí, queremos agradecer a @theycallmedan y al equipo de @aliento.
Recuerda unirte a los servidores Discord de SMILE y Hive Learners
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @starstrings01, @projectmamabg ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
Here's an example of how to apply to the initiative:
I @starstrings01 understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
If you don't know how to create a table. Check Below to guide you:
Kindly note that receiving applications end on the 30th of September.
Thanks so much for making it simple and straight forward to us I really appreciate your good work
I @floraada understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Good luck 👍
Thank you so much
I wish you all the best Flora.
Thank you for caring
You're welcome dear.
Good luck dear
Thank you so much
I @dimmablogs understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Good luck 👍
Thanks ma 😊.
Yea, my sister is joining, this is awesome, good luck dear.
All the best my darling ❤️.
Good luck
Thank you ☺️.
Good luck dear.
Thank you sir! ☺️
You're welcome ma 🤭
I, @depressedfuckup understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform, and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
All the best Hamza.
Thanks Hope😊
This seems to be the first time I’ve called you that. Hope that’s your name(no pun intended🙃)
You're welcome dear, I'm happy you called me that, smiles 🤗❤️.
Hola @depressedfuckup... Kindly visit the Hive-learners discord server to get yourself verified...
I’ll get that done today man. Sorry about the delay. Been caught up with some irl stuff.
Good luck bro
Thanks man
You're welcome brotherly.
I @mosesessien understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Nice, good luck @mosesessien .
Thanks so much
You're welcome 🥰.
Good luck bro.
I @mercysugar, understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Good luck dear.
I @graciousvic understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Good luck @graciousvic.
Best of luck dear.
Thank you
You're welcome.
I @theycallmewell understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Good luck @theycallmewell.
Hola! @theycallmewell. Kindly visit the Hive-learners discord server to get yourself verified...
I just submitted a verification on the Hive Learners discord channel, hopefully it will be verified soon @starstrings01 🙏😁👍
Good luck
This is an amazing initiative :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@katerinaramm(1/1) gave you LUV.
tools | wallet | discord | community | <>< daily NFT for Peace
Yes it is.
I @madame-cyntaia understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Thank you for doing this, it looks like a great program! 🤞
I wish you success in finally selection
Thank you, to you as well!
Kindly visit the Hive-learners discord server to get yourself verified...
Absolutely, I’ll be able to do that later today after I get home. Thank you!
I wish you goodluck in your application.
Thanks so much, you too!
Good luck
I @ajumaa understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Good luck
You're welcome.
My introduction to Hive
I @gunu1 is ever ready to learn when given the chance to 😊
Good luck
They do it again! Hahahaha. Where are all the #newbies?
I @treasure-joshua understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Please this is my application, I've been on hive for a while and I still haven't gotten the hang of it, I'm hoping this newbie initiative will help me.
The date you wrote for the first post published seems to be really off.
All the best for your application.
Thank you so much for the observation, I just checked and saw I made a mistake but I've corrected that now
You're welcome, I'm glad I could be of help.
I wish you success in finally selection
Yeah, the initiative would be of help to you!
Kindly visit the Hive-learners discord server to get yourself verified...
Good luck
I wish you all the best.
I @alidickson understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
I wish you success in finally selection
Thank you so much Sir @mosesessien
Good luck
Thanks so much Sir, @vickoly. I appreciate 🙏
You're welcome boss.
I @neckkyjane15 understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting upvotes from it are not guaranteed.
Good luck
Thanks dear
Wow...finally the application is out!!!👏👏👌🥳🥳🥳
Weldon Boss👍
I congratulate in advance every qualified newbie that will taken for this training.
Good luck guys😇👍👏👏
I @isaacngore understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
I wish you good luck
Thank you so much Sir
Good luck
Thank you boss
I @emily22 understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
I wish you success in finally selection
Good afternoon, greetings
Thank you for your wishes.
Oh good to see you have applied... Nice!...
Kindly visit the Hive-learners discord server to get yourself verified...
Good luck @emily22
@danaq333, @karamelska Check this out!
You can participate in the program of you want!
P.S: If you know other users who wants to participate tag them or show them this publication
@projectmamabg(1/10) gave you LUV.
tools | wallet | discord | community | <>< daily NFT for Peace
That's nice @projectmamabg, that way more people will get to know about it.
Thanks so much to the Newbies Initiative team for the great job. This is a wonderful opportunity for the young ones to grow on this community. I am glad to have the privilege to apply for it. Thanks to you all🙏
I am more than 6 months in hive but I have been away for months for some unavoidable reason. Hope I can still be allowed to join so that i can learn about hive.
Feel free to apply.. but make sure you get verified on Hive-learners discord server.
Please am new here
Where can I get the link for registration
I @atomz understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Hi @atomz... Kindly visit the Hive learners Discord Server to get your account verified in this community.
Hi @starstrings01, I am currently talking with Peter about the verification. Thank you.
Okay then....
Best of luck.
Great innovation, although I have been inactive for a while, and now I'm back, can I still apply for the program thou I have past 6 months user.
I @bhardmorse understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Good luck bro
Thanks boss
Hi @blackavalon... Kindly visit the Hive learners Discord Server to get your account verified in this community.
Good luck to you bro, though you didn't sign the agreement, kindly read through the post and affirm your name that you'll abide by the policy.
I @celestina-okpe understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Hi @celestina-okpe... Kindly visit the Hive learners Discord Server to get your account verified in this community.
Best of luck.
@nelson-george @diikaan
Check this out 🔥🤝
I can't apply, reputation already passed 60, shouldn't have missed the first one
Shii..I didn't read that part ...
You're grown past it
Hehehe, yes he has.
Yea, you can still learn from the task even when you are not part of it.
I @desiredlady understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Best of luck dear.
Yaayy! I'm excited to see that the long waited application is finally out 🤩. I'll be dropping mine now ☺️...
All the best sweetie.
Thanks love 😊
You are welcome dear.
Outstanding! I'd really wished to had that support when I first began (:
If anyone is in need of a translator Spa-Eng and viceversa, I'd be more than happy to help out to the community.
You just let me know! Best regards,
- EvM
Hello brother! What's your discord username and tag?
My pleasure brother.
It is eliasvm.eth#1452
Please feel free to contact me over there
Tried sending you a request but didn't go.. it says you are not accepting friends.. can you send to me: starstrings01#8020....
Sent you a friend request (:
Buenas noches, saludos
Interesada en participar.
Esperando las instrucciones.
Hi @emily22, it would be great to have you participate in the initiative. Kindly give time to read the instructions above and make your application.
Hola @emily22, sería genial que participaras en la iniciativa. Dedique tiempo para leer las instrucciones anteriores y presentar su solicitud.
I @event-horizon understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Please note that my first introduction post and last post was 4 years ago before Hive was born. This is my first time using Hive so I have attached the re-introduction post that I made today. Hope you will consider this application.
I wish you the best best.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
I @Gbenga1052 understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Hey @gbenga1052.... Kindly visit the Hive learners Discord to get your account verified...
Good luck bro.
I @geelocks understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed
Good luck
Thank you
I @glorydee understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed
Hi @glorydee... Kindly visit the Hive learners Discord Server to get your account verified in this community.
@starstrings01, i did, I was told to reapply after 10 days
I wish you all the best.
Thank you
I've applied, thanks for this initiative, hopefully I meet up before 30th September. Fingers crossed
I @hasi00 understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Hi @hasi00... Kindly visit the Hive learners Discord Server to get your account verified in this community.
Good luck.
Application account |
first post Published | June 06, 2022
Introduction post | June 06, 2022. |
Hive power. | 31.656. |
Reputation. | 51 |
I @Helenchy understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Please I find it difficult to draw the table please consider this. Thanks
I @henry01 understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed
Best of luck bro.
Congratulations @newbies-hive! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):
Your next target is to reach 3500 upvotes.
You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word
Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
I wished i had the opportunity to go through this course when i joined hive. I encourage those that will be admitted will take it so serious.
Best of luck to all the applicants
This is totally easy to understand and I'm so happy it is finally out, can't wait to see the lucky ones for this batch.
Well done sir, you did really well to make it very easy to understand and I like it that the application will be done at the comment section, it makes it a lot easier to know everyone who will participate.
May the true newbies pass, hehehe.
I @huzaifanaveed understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Good luck.
Thank you
|application|account | @imaculate50|
| First post published|July,1 2022| link|
|Introductory post |July 1,2022|link |
I @imaculate50 understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
I @joyman understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
I @justfavour understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
I wish you all the best, though your reputation is more than the requirements, but good luck.
Yeah bro. My reputation keeps increasing.
Thanks so much😊.
I @kingsleyy understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Best wishes.
@isaacngore you should check this out
Thank you so much @ksam
I really appreciate
I @mojtee07 understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
I wish you all the best.
I @moremoney28 understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Good luck bro, I wish you all the best.
Thank you very much brother
You're welcome.
I @nauyoga understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Best of luck
Thanks 😀
I @negro-girl understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Kindly visit the Hive-learners discord server to get yourself verified...
Also, I just delegated 30HP to you, so that you can have more time to socialize with people around.
Wow!!, thank you very much, that was such a kind gesture from you, I did notice that I was unable to comment before as well.
sorry please, is there any other way to get verified as I am not really conversant with the usage of discord, do I write my verification post, or what am I to do exactly.
Thank you so much.
@negro-girl, discord is the only way to get verified. It's easy once you follow the instructions. I just got verified myself.
Steps to follow
click on the hive learners discord servers, you automatically get redirected to discord
follow the instructions provided, you can also check the previous examples on the #intro-verification post others have made as a guideline.
make sure you follow all the instructions clearly, this will get you verified
come back to the post again and click the SMILE, you get directed to their discord server, and you follow the instructions
I wish you good luck on your application
Oh, okay I guess I will just have to try my best then, thanks, dear friend.
Am happy to be of help. Do have a nice day!
Hi @negro-girl, How are you doing? Going through the entries and found that you have not verified your account on Hive learners yet.
Hope all is well? are you facing any issues getting yourself verified?
I'm doing good thank you.
I lodge the complained that I don't know how to work around with the discord server.
Pls, is there any other way to get Verified?
do you have a discord application already installed on your mobile device?
Yes, I do
send me a message: starstrings01#8020
I have sent a request to you on discord.
Request has been accepted already...
Thank you .
Good luck
I @patakwashj understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed
Best wishes to you.
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
lespipirisnais tipped newbies-hive (x1)
@dirolls(5/15) tipped @newbies-hive (x1)
Learn more at
Good luck to you.
Thanks ❤
I @rubilu understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
I @seunny understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
I wish you all the best bro.
Amen thanks a bunch, you are a darling
I @silviafx understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Best wishes
Thank you
You're welcome.
I @sommylove understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting upvotes from it are not guaranteed.
I wish you all the best .
Nice 👍👍👍
I @tomiajax understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed
I have interest in joining the Hive Newbie. Am I still welcomed?
Wow that's super exciting, I wish all applicant the best and kudos to the initiator and team of this initiative.
Long live @newbies-hive
Yea, long live the #newbiesinitiative.
I @zitalove understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Good luck
Thank you 🤗
You're welcome.
I @zzzinnn understand that the main purpose of the program is to teach users how to use the platform and getting votes from it are not guaranteed.
Good luck.
Please I followed the Smile discord server link to join and this is the notification I got.
Hey @zzzinnn, you can join using this link:
Please try to get yourself verified as soon as possible...
I found it a bit difficult navigating on here to get all this. I just hope I got them right.
Hi @kingobonnaya... Kindly visit the Hive learners Discord Server to get your account verified in this community.
@starstrings01 I did but I was blacklisted by hive so I guess I'll wait till I'm through with the appeal.
okay then!
Best of luck to you.
@machalavienici check this out