My Version of The Manipulated Man


Ugly/unattractive girls can want commitment, and their plan to get you to commit is to trick you into doing it.

They'll post pictures online with so much filters, editing, pictures taken from angles that makes it look like they're more pretty than they actually are.

Like they could be a 4/10 posting pictures where it looks like they're a 9 or 8.

They'd also do a similar thing for their bodies to make it look more attractive in pictures. They'll bend their legs in certain ways, push their asses out, crop some parts, etc. Just to make themselves look way better than they really are.

And little tweaks are supposed to be okay, but when a 4 is looking like an 8 in all her pictures you know there's some intentional devilry going on.

So what is her plan when you meet her and find out she doesn't look half as good as she does on the pictures?

Her plan is that you'd be too kind/polite to say anything.

That you'd simply just keep it cool and go along with the date like a gentleman. And that after the date if you're not being so interested she'll be the one bombarding you with interest and talks about you guys meeting up for sex or something.

She knows it's difficult for men to turn down a woman's interest, especially when it seems like it's going to lead to certain sex.

And, guys, you know what her next plan is after sex? More sex! The plan is to be clingy and lovey and get you to be so into her, and to get you guys to act like y'all are in a relationship without saying it.

The game is if you guys are always together, always having sex, doing things together, and this goes on for a long enough time you wouldn't have the guts to tell her you guys are not in a relationship or that you won't commit or you never wanted anything more.

You're supposed to feel like the devil for letting things go that far if you didn't want commitment.

And remember you didn't really let things go that far, she was the one who pushed things that far, your little resistance was a joke in the face of her mounting pressure because there's a part of you that couldn't hurt her by rejecting her extra advances.

There's a part of you that couldn't let it look like you didn't appreciate all the pleasure. You're more of a gentlemanly guy and rejecting sex can feel quite difficult and pointless for a man.

Say after she had spent the weekend, cooked, clean, and made her body 100% available just a day or so later she was asking to come over again. You would have refused but you know what you stood to gain if you just say yes, or you probably didn't even have to expend any energy saying yes, you just had to shut your dirty mouth and not say No and she'll be right home with you doing all the pleasurable things you like.

After getting things to go on this long, even though it's at the point where it looks like y'all are in a relationship and she thinks you wouldn't have the guts to say you didn't want a commitment all along, the next plan is to get you to admit that y'all are in a relationship.

And she'll get this to happen. Somehow. It might just be her calling you her boyfriend and waiting to see if you have the guts to say you're not. If she does this a couple times and you can't deny it. You're now hers.

Or it could be her saying you're her boyfriend to a third party in your presence because she knows you can't deny it in the presence of a third party. You wouldn't want to embarrass her like that.

Once this objective is achieved you're now hers. She'll stick to you like dry cum. Before you know what's happening you're on the altar getting married to her.

Congratulations 🤝.

The End

[Cover art created by myself]

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This was quite the ride! 😛🎢

I will say, for the filters part, I honestly think some women try to rationalize in their minds that they truly look like this. Y'know, "yeah once you take away the acne, wrinkles, face fat, etc. I pretty much already look like that! 😊"

But as for taking it so far as to get into a relationship, at what point can you recognize the manipulation so this does not happen? A man is never under an obligation to commit simply because a woman "put out," and the entire relationship is built upon lies anyway. She lied about her looks and he lies about committing to her. What an awful dynamic...

0.011 NEOXAG

Yeah, women do that too, think they actually look like that 😅

Taking it this far doesn't always happen, but it does, it is more common in some cultures than in others.

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