The Trump post of Neoxian

"Biden can only enter the White House as President if he can prove that his ridiculous "80,000,000 votes" were not fraudulently or illegally obtained"


(pic taken from Gab (and not twitter))

Wow, this looks a bit serious. Could it be that Trump just saying something shocking and controversial to get attention? If he is even half way serious about this, it would mean Civil War in the United States.

Serious things are serious

It is my belief that the Mass Media (CNN, ABC, Fox News, New York Times etc) along with Big Tech (Google, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook) are trying their best to install Biden as the next US president, by hook or by crook. And doing their absolute best to surpress any news of voting irregularity or fraud.

What? Voter fraud you say?

There is no evidence of wide-spread voting fraud right? That's what the mass media and big tech are pounding into our heads.

Well maybe there is:

This is a good website that gathers together all the evidence of such fraud, and there is quite a bit of it.
(just one specific example)

The Kraken

(meme pic of Sidney found on internet)

Sidney Powell ( is an American attorney that practiced law in the fifth federal circuit for decades, has promised to "release the Kraken" and did so on Wednesday by filing two lawsuits, in Michigan and Georgia which both alledge massive voter fraud.

And what does Creepy Joe have to say about this?

"We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

Well, there you have it, a confession right from the horses mouth. To be fair, this was probably a slip of the tongue, but was it a Freudian slip?

The need for alternative and decentralized media

If nothing else, this situation underlines the need to move away from the Big Tech/Mass Media and towards more open and free, and ultimately decetralized media.

* Google  ==> duckduckgo
* Gmail   ==>
* youtube ==> bitchute
* twitter ==> gab

To create a more free world I would suggest migrating in this direction.

And of course Hive

This is why I'm in this space, in spite of the downsides. I can write this post, knowing it won't be memory-holed, even if it's flagged to zero (hopefully unlikely), I'll let the decentralized system decide its fate.

(epic picture of Trump by Jason Heuser)

Posted via | The City of Neoxian



Now you'll be labelled a right wing conspiracy theorist/sore loser by the people who've been brainwashed into repeating those talking points first, then cancelling your existence, while making sure to never sit down and actually talk, because there's no need to hear what someone has to say, unless it's what you want to hear. That'll probably happen to me as well even though I'm just some random Canadian who watched the news one day and has nothing to do with these political parties or anything really.


He has a right to say what he wants to say. I completely disagree with him but I wouldn't cancel him for that reason.


There is one thing we can agree on
I completely disagree with him

Which one is it? Trollers gunna troll. At least keep your story straight.


I wouldn't cancel him 'for that reason'.

But the possibility remains.


Speak your mind, speak your truth. We must not allow anyone to be silenced. This has been the biggest treasonous scam ever and you heard it right from his mouth. His brain doesn't even realize he confessed to voter fraud. Let's just hope its not going to end in a steal. Traitors must be taken down.


Election fraud is very common on developing nations but generally committed by Government in power.
This is very unusual very opposition did it and in a developed nation.


haha You Ain't From Here, are Ya???

Both sides have used fraudulent votes in the past, it's usually a case of

"YOU got ME this time, WE will get YOU, NEXT TIME!!!

But Trump did not have the Republican Establishment cheating for him,
because they did not want him in the first place. TRUTH.

Posted via | The City of Neoxian


Yeah. Heard about lobbying ,Corruption, scandals etc etc in US. Voter fraud is very new to my knowledge.


Organized fraudulent election with military industrial complex backing Biden.
God Bless America.

Posted via | The City of Neoxian



@spinvest-neo is NOT associated with NEOXIAN, I am just an independent account using NEOXAG and votng the community... FWIW

I do happen to agree with the main points of this post.
The Dims are trying to STEAL this election! MOUNTAINS of Evidence!

Posted via | The City of Neoxian


Ohh you bet this country is going to 💩, no matter which way you look at it it.


it would mean Civil War in the United States.

No... There will be no civil war.

What you see now are voter irregularities and if i had to share my opinion id say that the irregularities point towards fraud, but that is still just my opinion.
The burden of proof is on Trump since he is the one making the claim. If he cant prove fraud Biden is president. Simple as that.
Biden doesnt have to prove anything.


That's is the reality. That whole Burden of proof is a one way street:


Trump is very adept in the art of Hyperbole, I bet you have noticed.

As far as 'civil war', that will only occur if Trump is able to prove enough fraud to actually WIN.
Is this possible? Yes. Is it probable? WELL, time is very short, but Pennsylvania has already
convened hearings and the State SENATE has passed a bill to appoint ELECTORS to the EC. Now
their Representatives are drafting a similar measure. They DO Have "PROOF" and it is apparently
solid enough that they are moving forward. I am reasonably sure that they will appoint 20 electors
for TRUMP as well. Their PROOF is pretty sound in my opinion. The Senate Majority leader in PA
has stated that "PA sent out 1.8 million mail in (absentee) ballots, and there were 2.5 million that
were COUNTED." So there is a 700,000 vote discrepancy. Trump was leading by nearly 700k, coincidentally.


Snowflakes Melting 😹😹😹

Posted via | The City of Neoxian


Wow, this looks a bit serious. Could it be that Trump just saying something shocking and controversial to get attention?

When isn't he?

Serious things are serious
It is my belief that the Mass Media (CNN, ABC, Fox News, New York Times etc) along with Big Tech (Google, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook) are trying their best to install Biden as the next US president, by hook or by crook. And doing their absolute best to surpress any news of voting irregularity or fraud.

What? Voter fraud you say?
There is no evidence of wide-spread voting fraud right? That's what the mass media and big tech are pounding into our heads.

"Votes only count when they're for my team." There's been countless lawsuits alleging fraud and up until now they've all been thrown out because they didn't have any evidence.

Trump lost the popular vote both time. You cant understand how he could have lost harder with the way he's managed the COVID-19 pandemic? Really?

There is one thing we can agree on. Trump is missing a lot of votes, they weren't stolen from him however. He's missing a good portion of 272 254 votes. That is the number of people who died of COVID-19 of which the vast majority are old and therefore more likely to be republicans. Maybe if he had managed the pandemic better, he would have won, we'll never know.

But what the fuck do I care? I'm not even American.

Tribalism is bad, the fact that your vote isn't up for grabs every election is bad. I live in Canada and I've been able to vote for 16 years. In my 16 years I voted 5 or 6 times (harper minority government) on the federal level for 4 different parties for different reasons. Sometimes on the right and sometimes on the left.


"Votes only count when they're for my team." There's been countless lawsuits alleging fraud and up until now they've all been thrown out because they didn't have any evidence.

I don't know what this bit is for. Are you talking to me? I never said "Votes only count when they're for my team." Also you must have missed the part where I did provide evidence. Don't put words in people's mouth. Argue against me and not your imaginary version of me.


But what the fuck do I care? I'm not even American.

So why are you spouting off? Your whole reply is full of Lame Stream Media 'talking points" and they are always talking out of their ASS. I AM a PROUD AMERICAN, I am BOOTS ON THE GROUND and I see the BS that you have picked up from the media.

I don't blame you, because you can really only hear what they want you to hear, but ya gotta dig a little deeper. Nearly ALL my friends outside the USA seem to think that the globalists are against Trump, and so do I!

TRUMP has TONS of proof of fraud, it is just that lots of lower courts are either progressives or are automatically kicking it up to the Supreme Court as fast as they can. Trump even thanks an Obama appointee because he ruled against Trump immediately, instead of "running out the clock" in Trump's words...

We have a website that is a clearinghouse for Vote Fraud Evidence, it has 1,146 DOCUMENTED and VETTED examples of Fraud. They even have deleted some that were weak or just erroneous. We also have HUNDREDS of SIGNED AFFIDAVITS from official poll watchers claiming Fraud. Falsifying these affidavits carries penalties associated with PERJURY (lying to the courts) and possible jail time. But these people are filing anyway.

As far as managing COVID, it was the fastest response to an outbreak in US History. As far as scale of the response it is the largest in World History. Period. So take that "opinion" and $10 and get a coffee at Starbucks. You'll need the whole $10, BTW. 😉

Posted via | The City of Neoxian


I don't blame you, because you can really only hear what they want you to hear, but ya gotta dig a little deeper. Nearly ALL my friends outside the USA seem to think that the globalists are against Trump, and so do I!

And what media would that be? I don't have any access to any American news outlet.


Newsmax has some decent content, Next News Network on youtube is pretty good also but they need to tone down the 'opinion' markers in their reporting. Their bias for Trump is obvious, and they don't hide it but the content is pretty good.

I posted the link too, it's just RAW INFORMATION about potential fraud. I found one modifier to one of the claims of vote fraud in Pennsylvania, where it was claimed that "dead voters" listed as being born between 1800 and 1899 had a 66% turnout rate 😹😹😹 but it states that the State of PA uses a birthdate of 1-1-1800 for shielding identities of select individuals whose data appears in a publicly accessible database. Then they state that it is "usually victims of domestic violence". So some of these 66% WILL be valid votes, IMO. This is why the courts need to be involved, I believe.

Good discussion!

And what media would that be? I don't have any access to any American news outlet.

(CBC Possibly?)
If you mean Canadian Media, well, it seems to me that most media outside the US is just another arm of the same major conglomerates that own the US media outlets. Therefore, they seem to put forth the same progressive globalist agenda...

Posted via | The City of Neoxian
