Antofagasta Street Art (En/Es)
Continuing with my series of posts about the street art of Antofagasta (Chile), I share three photos of a group of murals located in front of the sea. The themes of the paintings are quite diverse and the colors vivid and unusual, in special the green. The first two photos show the paintings whereas the third image show the surroundings of the mural, taken using an unusual framing.
Continuando con mi serie de publicaciones sobre el arte urbano de la ciudad de Antofagasta, presento en esta ocasión un grupo de murales ubicados enfrente del mar, en un lugar sin mucha visibilidad. Los motivos son bastante diversos y con colores muy llamativos e inusuales, en especial el verde. Las dos primeras fotografías muestran los murales propiamente dichos y la tercera su entorno, y tomada con un encuadre no convencional.
The photos were taken some years ago. It was used the camera of the Samsung Galaxy S20. The images were processed with Gimp. I also publish black and white versions.
Las fotografías fueron tomadas hace unos años atrás, la cámara usada fue la de un Samsung Galaxy S20. La edición se efectuó en Gimp. También muestro versiones en blanco y negro.
These photos are my entry of this week CCC’s Street Art Contest (#201) organized by @digi-me, the rules of the contest are here.
Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope that you enjoyed the post.
Gracias por visitar mi blog y espero que el post haya sido de su agrado.
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @dimascastillo90 suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️
Thanks for curating my post.
I appreciate it.
@nenio, you are most welcome!
Here is !ALIVE token gift for you
Great wall with all these works. Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.
Have a great day