Not fate, soulmates.


It is whispered that we have one person that was made for us, our other half, someone that completes us. That one person that our souls are destined to be linked to for the rest of time.
They are called our soulmates.

"Melody, are you ready?" My sister asked interrupting me from my thoughts.
I gathered my things as I followed my older sister out of the school building.

We walked through the hallway. I looked around as everyone went about their activities, laugher echoing in the air.
Some on them paused to stare, probably wondering who we were.
I sighed, another year, another new school.

My sister's work made her move around a lot which meant that I had to change schools. Aria promised me that this was the final move and I would get to finally have the full high school experience without worrying about moving.

But that was the problem. I never knew how to fit in.
Sensing my dilemma, Aria squeezed my hand, "Don't worry Mel. Everyone is going to love you."
I smiled. I wished I could believe her.

I sucked in a deep breath as I entered my first class. Unlike my previous schools no one turned to look at me. I stood expecting the teacher to introduce me but nothing happened.
I went to the back of the class, hoping to stay invisible.

I sat down reading through a textbook when a tiny voice spoke to me, "You are in my seat."
I looked up and I was met with the darkest eyes I had ever seen.
"Oh. I'm really sorry."

I moved to the next seat and she quietly sat down. She had nothing on her. No bag, no book and her huge hoodie was torn.
"Excuse me? Are you okay?"
She didn't say anything, just kept staring ahead.

"I'm Melody. I'm new here."
Still nothing.
The girl in front turned to me, "You are new here so I will give you a little advice. Say away from her or she will suck your soul and feed it to her demon friends."
The other girls around her burst into fits of giggles.

The girl bowed her head.
"Well I'm pretty sure the only reason she hasn't sucked your soul yet is because you don't even have one."

She turned back to face me with a glare and was about to say something but was interrupted by the teacher.
From the corner of my eyes I saw the girl smile.
After class, I packed up my books. I saw her walk towards the door.
By the time I got to the hallway she was gone.

The sweet smell of pancakes hit my nose as I entered my house.
Aria's eyes widened as she saw me, "Mel, what are you doing home so early?"
I narrowed my eyes at her suspiciously, "Shouldn't you be at work?"
"Are you going to answer me questions with questions?"
"That depends. Are you going to do the same?"

"Well…I kind of have someone coming over."
"Oh..You should have said so. I will find somewhere else to go."
Aria glanced at me, "Are you sure. I can cancel-."
I smiled at her, "No. It's fine. Have your date."

I strolled aimlessly around the block. I hadn't made any friends.
"Stop it. That is not funny."
I turned around. The girl from class stood glaring at an invisible being.
"Knock it off. We have more important things to do."
I stared. It was either one of two things, I was going crazy or she was the crazy one talking to an imaginary person.

"Hey." I waved at her.
Immediately she saw me, she stiffened then she turned around and ran.
"Hey." I ran after her, "Stop. I promise I don't think you are crazy."
But she kept on running. I chased her until my legs gave out.
I fell to the ground panting.
I looked around and I realized I was lost.

I stood up. I face palmed myself. Why did I have to run after her in the first place.
I started walking.
"You are going in the wrong direction."
I turned my head and she stood in front of me staring blankly.
"Your house is that way." She pointed.

"Okay thanks."
There was no point. She was obviously not interested in being friends so there was no need to try.
"I'm El."
I whipped my head back to face her.
She nodded, "I know." Then she turned to her side, "It's not funny. You are so annoying."

"Are you alright?"
"Why don't I just save you the trouble. I can talk to the souls of the dead. I help them cross over. This is the part where you look at me like I'm scary and run the other way."

I smiled.
"Why are you smiling?"
"You are funny."
She folded her arms, "I am not joking. I can really talk to the dead."
"Okay I believe."

She frowned, "I don't appreciate the mockery."
"I am not mocking you."
"So you believe me just like that?"
"Yes but I do have a question. How did it happen?"
"My parents were in an accident. I was in the car with them. The Doctors said it was a miracle I survived but when I woke up, I realized that I could see dead people's souls, communicate with them."

"That sounds scary."
Eli smiled, "It was but then I realized helping them cross over, watching as they completed their unfinished business, it was one of the best things in the world."
I nodded, "I better start going home. My sister would be expecting me by now."

She called my name as I turned to leave, "Melody?"
"Thank you for defending me today."

That was five years ago. I smiled as I stared at the list in front of me.
Eli threw her hands around me, "Who do we have on the list today?"
I will be honest. I totally thought she was crazy when she told me she could talk to the souls of the dead, but there was one thing we had in common, we were two girls trying to figure life out and over the years, I realized that she completed me.
I finally found her, my soulmate.

"Just a few souls and then after that you my friend have a date with the hottest guy in school.
Eli blushed.
Unlike her I couldn't see the dead but I understood what it felt like to be ripped apart from the people you loved so I joined Eli in helping them complete their unfinished business and cross over.

And we made a promise to each other, "When the day finally comes, will wait for each other's souls and cross over together as soulmates.


Sometimes the only way for misfits to fit in is to find others who are outcasts or perceive themselves as misfits. You captured that well, and did a nice job of integrating action, dialogue and narrative. Thank you for sharing your story in The Ink Well, and for reading and commenting on the work of other community members.


So believable. Eli is such a sweet personality. I believe that the human soul has some sort of attachment with one and the other that makes life sweeter. When the other half of ones reconnects, the rest of matters may not be so difficult to trash. Well scripted.


They say that our soulmates can be anybody and after reading your story, I believe that. The friendship between the Eli and Melody is an odd one but that's what makes it beautiful.


some connections go beyond the just the physical, I do hope they meet in the afterlife


The plot is interesting, and I like how it ended.
If everyone indeed has a soulmate, no one will end up with a broken heart for sure.


You present a story that combines elements of romance, friendship and the supernatural. The text conveys a sense of hope and connection, as Melody finds in Eli someone who understands and complements her. Although at first Melody doubts Eli's ability to speak to the dead, she eventually learns to accept it and appreciate the purpose Eli finds in helping souls cross over.
The story also highlights the theme of acceptance and overcoming challenges. Melody faces the difficulty of fitting into a new school, but finds solace in friendship with Eli and in their work together to help lost souls.
You definitely evoke a sense of deep connection and the power of companionship. Also, you present a positive view of finding someone who complements and understands us, even if it is in unusual circumstances.
