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** clears throat**
To be very honest eh, this question about hobbies is something I had to ponder on so much, like shuooo so Naza you no get hobby like this? Lmaoo
Well, now that I’ve thought about it..
The very first thing that I genuinely enjoy doing (which I found out not too long ago.. though I always knew but never really harnessed) is acting.. bruh e remain for Nollywood to come and carry me ohh.. like I use TikTok for the sole purpose.. I’m tempted to add my TikTok handle here so you can go check me out but I’m not sure it’s allowed.. this hobby was rediscovered all thanks to the ongoing ASUU strike, tbh I for no know say I good like that.. plus I just really enjoy acting. It’s probably one of the few things I do without overthinking or stressing about.
I also really like singing, I’m in my church choir so you can tell that my voice is okay. There’s hardly a day that passes without my brain bringing songs out for me to jump on. I’m sure my neighbors have had it to the top with me because I dey disturb gan 😂😂 I remember how my dad used to always scream ‘Naza stop singing, it’s okay’.. Omo music is something nobody can take away from me oh 😂😂
I don’t know if this is a hobby but I cannot forgive myself if I do not add that I love eating. Whenever I’m bored, my go-to is food, be it actual food or junk. I sha always have something in my mouth. It makes me happy 😭 and no I’m not fat😏
I also love trying dresses out. I’m a fashionista so I love clothes a lot, even if I’m not going out you might sometimes catch me combining one clothe with another and putting it right back, lol.
This one is a guilty pleasure, I’m many times online binge watching snap subscriptions about.. tbh I can’t even describe what they are about, I just dey watch them.. snap users can relate sha.
What else?
Uhhmm oh.. I’m always dancing in my room, lmaooo. Only few people in my entire life have ever seen me dancing and it will surely remain that way😂😂 I’m too goofy. It’s almost like I can dance in my head but my stiff body won’t let me be great 🤣 but I try with legwork sha, even though I say so myself 😭😂
I enjoy cooking.. have I mentioned that? I must have.. well if I have, let me reiterate.. I loveeeee cooking because I love good food. Cooking helps me ease myself from pressure, because I just focus on making it come out perfect.. I should enroll in a culinary school yunno 😌 😌
I also like gisting sha but I don’t do it too often as I stay alone, but I like talking.. I think I’m a good person to have a conversation with.
I enjoyyyyy going out. Though I don’t go out like that, but when I do, it’s the time of my life. I like going to new places and taking pictures there so I can just stare at the pictures later on and remember how much I enjoyed the place. I like going out with loved ones too. I totally hardly go out alone, though now that I’m thinking about it.. I should go out alone sometime 🤔
Anddddd of course, you already know.. sleeping is an activity that I love. I find it more enjoyable when I’m fagged out.. I could spend a straight 9 hours sleeping in the day, lol. It’s kinda difficult to sleep in the day many times but I enjoy it when it comes with full force.
@ebingo @bhoa I’m not sure I saw your names tagged on this post, so I’m tagging you guys.. come and tell us what you enjoy doing 🙃
Thank you so much @samostically for this topic, it really helped me look thoroughly at the things that I love doing and now I appreciate myself better. I look forward to participating in more of these going forward. And please, do tag me on your next contest, so I do not miss out 😁
I like mountain climbing and sky diving but I'll try scuba diving too.🙂🙂🙂
Bros how far 🤣🤣 it’s normal hobbies they asked for oh.. which one is all these dangerous, life threatening, extreme things again 😂😂
😅😅 know how my life dey na...very soon I go carry bicycle for IB
Please God forbid 😂 I’m praying against that for you 😂😂 dey fear
Cause I care 😏 dey fear cause you care na
Yesss.. so you’re deading the bicycle idea abi 😉
Till I have house and money...
You’ll be in my prayers then
Acting ? 🤩🤩🤩
Nollywood where una dey oo🤣🤣🤣🤣
Make una come carry Nazam 🤩🤩🤩👍
Help me call them ohhh… I don dey find them since 🤣🤣