Nature’s Gift: Blossoms of Love and Memories

Hello Hive Family. I hope you all are healthy and happy.

These days many beautiful flowers are blooming in my courtyard. Among these my favorite flower is cosmos.(I did not know the name of this plant. So I took the help of Google)
Which is white and pink in color. If you also like flowers then the pictures of this flower can attract you like it does me.

I have heard from my father that these flowers were planted by his mother i.e. my grandmother many years ago. When the time comes, its plants grow on their own. Grandmother is no more but these flowers planted by her make us feel her presence. These flowers are not only beautiful but the art of growing in them without anyone's care is amazing. We do not take care of these flowers nor do we irrigate them, yet these flowers bloom when the time comes like every year.

I have taken some beautiful pictures of these flowers with my camera sony a58 and I have edited them on Snapseed. I hope you all will like these pictures.

Disclaimer: This post is originally written in Hindi by me and I have taken the help of Google Translate to translate it into English.