Morning Rain, Evening Calm: Life in the Hills

Hello Hive family. I hope you all are healthy and happy.

There is nothing new to write, so today I am going to share my daily routine with everyone.

It has been raining continuously since last night. I don't feel like getting up early in the morning during the rainy season, but I have to feed the animals and go to the market every day with milk. Due to which I have to get up early in the morning. As soon as I reached the market, the rain stopped and the fog also started clearing. There has been fresh snowfall on the Himalayas visible from here. Due to which the cold has increased. After reaching home from the market, I have breakfast and after that I bring green grass for the cow from the gardens. Which takes me about two hours.Light drizzle starts again during the day. I also rest for some time.

In the evening, I leave the chickens in the courtyard to feed them grains. The rain had also stopped. The view after rain in the mountains is very beautiful, it seems as if someone has washed the mountains. There is greenery all around. During this time I take some pictures around the house and the Hatu Peak visible in front.

The mountain visible in front is Hatu Peak

I have taken these pictures with Sony A58 kit lens and I have edited them on Snapseed. I hope you all like these pictures taken by me

Disclaimer: This post is originally written in Hindi by me and I have taken the help of Google Translate to translate it into English.