Ladies of Hive Community Contest #148 •||• Balancing responsibility with finances in the home [ENG-SPA] ❤️❤️❤️


Ladies of Hive Community Contest #148


Photograph of my property

♥ Bienvenidos a mi blog ♥

Welcome to my blog


Welcome once again to my blog my friends of Hive, it is a pleasure to have you here and more in this incredible community of ladies that weekly we have a contest too good and thoughtful for life, because we women are the perfect approach to give answers to life. Every week we find very good topics that put us to debate between what you want and what you have, but this time we will talk a little about finances, breadwinner, those responsibilities that we have many in our homes, plus how we can go raising and organizing all these pending in our lives, also when we are workers, mother and we have a lot to do, I hope you like it a lot because for me it is very important to talk about the subject.

Bienvenidos una vez más a mi blog mis amigos de Hive, es un placer tenerlos por aquí y más en esta comunidad increíble de las damas que semanalmente nos un concurso demasiado bueno y reflexivo para la vida, porque nosotras las mujeres somos el enfoque perfecto para dar respuestas a la vida. Todas las semanas nos encontramos con temas muy buenos que nos ponen a debatir entre lo que se quiere y lo que se tiene, pero en esta oportunidad vamos hablar un poco de finanzas, de sostén de hogar, de aquellas responsabilidades que tenemos muchos en nuestros hogares, además de como podemos ir planteando y organizando todos estos pendiente en nuestras vidas, también cuando somos trabajadores, madre y tenemos mucho por hacer, espero les guste mucho ya que para mi es muy importante poder hablar del tema.

The family, and the different objectives we meet

Today, some parents transfer family responsibility to their children after they graduate from school. As a parent, do you agree with this, or will you allow your children to carry burdens that are not supposed to be theirs? As a child, is it necessary for you to repay your parents' laborious efforts even if it means that you have to sacrifice your freedom?


Parents are responsible for the education and growth so to speak of our children, when they reach an age considered appropriate is when they begin the problems, responsibilities and many things that as an adult must face in your life, many after graduating from both high school and college seek ways to become independent, although not all get to do this due to certain parents who apply household responsibilities to these people. I consider myself a supporter that children should grow up and each one should in due time assume their responsibilities, although in life there are children who help in these tasks, because in some way or another they want to repay what their parents have done with them, from my point of view I believe and consider that this should not be so because children should live their stages and go burning each one of them.

I do not agree in transferring my responsibilities to my children, but I would like that each one helps in the responsibilities, that we learn to create a work team at home, but always taking care that the children get the thread for when it is their turn, I would also like to raise a person who can fend for himself in all aspects, it is something that I work daily. From my point of view, I consider that our children should live since for each thing there is an adequate space and they will live it, my responsibilities are mine, but I like it to be a 50/50 team.

Los padres son responsable de la educación y el crecimiento por así decirlo de nuestros hijos, cuando ellos llegan a una edad considerada adecuada es cuando empiezan los problemas, las responsabilidades y muchas cosas que como adulto debe enfrentar en su vida, muchos después de graduarse tanto del bachillerato como de la universidad buscan formas de independizarse, aunque no todos llegan hacer esto debido a ciertos padres que le aplican responsabilidades del hogar a estas personas. Me considero partidaria que los hijos deben crecer y cada uno debe en su debido momento asumir sus responsabilidades, aunque en la vida existen muchachos que ayudan en esas labores, porque de alguna u otra formar quieren retribuir los que sus padres han hecho con ellos, desde mi punto de vista creo y considero que esto no debería ser así ya que los hijos deben vivir sus etapas e ir quemando cada una de ellas.

No estoy de acuerdo en transferir mis responsabilidades a mis hijos, pero si me importaría que cada uno ayude en las responsabilidades, que aprendamos a crear un equipo de trabajo en el hogar, pero siempre cuidando que los hijos vayan agarrando el hilo para cuando a ellos les toque, también me gustaria criar a una persona que pueda valerse por si mismo en todos los aspectos, es algo que trabajo diariamente. Desde mi punto de vista, considero que nuestros hijos deben vivir ya que para cada cosa hay un espacio adecuado y ellos lo van a vivir, mis responsabilidades son mías, pero si me gusta que sea un equipo 50/50.


If you are a breadwinner or financial provider for your family, how do you balance your work and life so that your well-being is not compromised? Tell us how you enjoy your life, your hobbies, or the source of entertainment you do, so that you are not consumed by stress (non breadwinners can also join in)




Being a breadwinner is a tough job, at home we are only 2 adults and a child, although we both receive money, always the biggest income is mine since I do many things to support myself here in my country, I also have a steady job that gives me a little, but stable fortnight because being a teacher in Venezuela is not easy, But being a breadwinner involves many responsibilities and sometimes balancing all these things is sometimes difficult, sometimes I have collapsed due to all that a home implies and the needs of a child is present, but one of the things I do to keep everything in order is to plan the month and week at home, also take stock of income and expenditure to enjoy everything in due course. For me being a breadwinner has worked out well at times since I have always been independent and I have always liked to work to have my own, now much more that I have a person under my responsibility who needs and deserves everything, then I always take out of all this those savings that are for distractions since my son is at an age to know and I want to allow him to enjoy what I also enjoyed in my childhood.

All this sometimes brings me an emotional disorder that I try to solve in time so as not to fall into chaos, because I know and understand how it all feels since I have been through it, then for me the planning of the week is ideal, I try to do many things to not collapse, I also like to invent everything to support me since I do not like to depend on anyone, who knows me knows perfectly well how I am. Stress is an emotion that in my life has always been present and when I feel between my back and the wall is always with me, but for a long time I try to balance my life and not let myself be defeated by what happens because I feel that everything happens when things are at their worst, when we are negative we attract the bad, it is always good to vibrate in positive and all that comes to us to open doors, sometimes many people see everything I do and how I manage money, although I like to splurge sometimes, but everything is enough for me.

Ser sostén de hogar es un trabajo rudo, en casa solo somos 2 adultos y un niño, aunque ambos percibimos dinero, siempre la entrada mas grande es la mía ya que realizo muchas cosas para poder sostenerme aquí en mi país, además tengo un trabajo fijo que me proporciona una quincena poca, pero estable ya que ser docente en Venezuela no es nada fácil, pero ser sostén de hogar conlleva muchas responsabilidades y muchas veces equilibrar todas estas cosas es a veces difícil, en ocasiones he colapsado debido a todo lo que un hogar implica y las necesidades de un hijo se hace presente, pero una de las cosas que hago para que todo se mantenga en orden es planificar el mes y la semana en casa, además hacer balance de los ingresos y egreso para poder disfrutar de todo en  su debido momento. Para mi ser sostén de hogar me ha resultado bien en ocasiones ya que siempre he sido independiente y me ha gustado trabajar para tener lo mío, ahora mucho mas que tengo a una persona bajo mi responsabilidad que necesita y merece todo, entonces siempre de todo esto saco aquellos ahorros que son para las distracciones ya que mi hijo esta en una edad de conocer y yo quiero permitir que él disfrute de lo que yo igualmente disfrute en mi infancia.

Todo esto a veces me trae un desorden emocional que trato de solucionar a tiempo para no caer en caos, porque se y entiendo como se siente todo eso ya que lo he pasado, entonces para mi la planificación de la semana es ideal, trato de hacer muchos cosas para no colapsar, también me gusta inventar todo para sostenerme ya que no me gusta depender de nadie, quien me conoce sabe perfectamente como soy. El estrés es una emoción que en mi vida siempre ha estado presente y cuando me siento entre la espalda y la pared siempre esta conmigo, pero desde hace mucho tiempo trato de equilibrar mi vida y no dejarme vencer por lo que sucede ya que siento que todo pasa cuando las cosas están en su peor momento, cuando somos negativos atraemos lo malo, siempre es bueno vibrar en positivo y todo eso viene a nosotros para abrir puertas, a veces muchos personas ven todo lo que hago y como administro el dinero, a pesar de que me gusta derrochar en ocasiones, pero todo me alcanza.


Gracias a todos por estar aquí

Thank you all for being here

Thanks to all those who read me, those who participate in everything the platform does, those who help the strengthening and growth of the community, total thanks to those who make life in Hive, those who have just arrived and to all of us who have been here for a long time. Thank you all for your receptivity, for your love and understanding.

Gracias a todos los que me leen, los que participan en todo lo que hace la plataforma, aquellos que ayudan al fortalecimiento y crecimiento de la comunidad, gracias totales a quienes hacen vida en Hive, aquellos que recién llegan y a todos los que estamos aquí desde hace tiempo. Gracias a todos por su receptividad, por su amor y comprensión.

All the content that is in this publication is widely original of the author, any doubt and compilation of the same, they should make mention of my person.

Todo el contenido que se encuentra en esta publicación es amplia-mente original del autor, cualquier duda y recopilación del mismo, deben hacer mención de mi persona.

  • El texto es original de: @nathyortiz
  • Todos los Derechos Reservados / © Nathy Ortiz
  • Fotografías tomadas de mi cámara DCM-LS, Panasonic.
  • The text is original from: @nathyortiz
  • All Rights Reserved / © Nathy Ortiz
  • Photos taken from my Lumix DCM-LS, Panasonic.

14.045 NEOXAG


I agree to the fact that parent should not leave responsibilities for their children but children must know that they have to support the parent once they start earning,Taking care of children is a whole lot of work, so the children should have a way of saying thank you not payback. Because if we come to think of it we can not pay back what our parents have done for us, we can only say thank you to them for making us to be who we are

0.000 NEOXAG

Very important to rest and keep a positive mindset. Only by a positive mindset can we keep the law of attraction working in our favor.

Giving adult children responsibilities only helps them if we do it right. Parents should also be aware not to overwhelm their children.

0.000 NEOXAG

I'll rather call you a wonder woman, that's who you are, just taking care of children alone is hectic work, not to talk of careers and jobs with more tan one children and possibly being the bread winner of the home

You're a Hero!

0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you very much, I feel grateful with everything I have and have achieved in life, despite the responsibilities of home, my son, work, Hive, the project I have in my city and everything related to my growth, that motivates me to keep fighting for my dreams.


0.000 NEOXAG

Thanks for joining !LADY

We all at some point can feel the stress because of taking the family's responsibilities. It's glad to know that you're thinking of ways to relieve stress and balance work and life. Otherwise, it's your health that will be compromised and you won't be able to work well for your family, especially since the bigger income comes from you. Stay positive and healthy ☺️.

0.000 NEOXAG

I like the way you use the word sharing the responsibilities and not completely transfering it to your kids. It's good for kids to take care of their parents when they reach a certain age but if they aren't totally capable, sharing is just right.

I'm trying to understand how it is with you and I think you're an amazing woman. I'm hoping you find all the best ways to balance your life and do what you love. All the best to you.🤗

0.000 NEOXAG

We all have responsibilities on our shoulders, may it be small or big. Being a breadwinner is not easy. I hope you continue to manage the emotional and financial aspects. And I like how independent you are. Keep going!

0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you very much friend, sincerely is strong, but if we put everything in planning nothing deviates, although there are times where I can get lost, but I always take things back. Thank you very much, I have always been independent, I don't like to depend on anything or anyone.

Hugs @netswriting

0.000 NEOXAG