Drawing zappit and fire wolf..then make two heart card.
Everyone, good to see you again. I,m going to share a post in #holozing community. And of course this is my first post. I,m going to make two love card for my two lovely kids. I,m art two character of holozing game. Two character name of this game is zappit and other is fire wolf. Lets start my art and with this art how i,m going to make lovely two card.
2.Color paper
3.color pencil
4.two color stone.
First i,m going to take all materials in one side. Take 1 white paper,1 yellow and 1 pink paper. Also take white and red stone. Obviously take color pencil and last take scissor and glue.
Take a white paper and art zappit in this paper. Here i,m going to art all part of zappit like face,leg, hand and other body part of zappit.
Now i,m going to fulfill this art with colour.I,n going to color the art fulfil with that color purple, green,pink and orange.
I,m also art fire wolf. There i,m art all the part of fire wolf luke face,eye,nose,leg,tail and fire.
To fulfill this art i,m use pink,light blue,deep blue,black and purple color.
Take yellow and pink paper and make heart shape both of the paper.
Then cut the drawing zappit with use scissor. Keep it. Last i,m going to cut drawing fire wolf and keep it too.
Now attached zappit over the pink heart paper with glue.
Next attached fire wolf over the heart shape yellow paper. For attached it i,m use this glue.
To use this glue i,m attached red stone around side of yellow heart paper. It was looks Great.
Another way to use this glue i,m attached white stone around the side of pink Heart paper. It was look also great.
Both of heart paper was look great. Two of my children was like it.