Travel to Holy Mashhad near Homa Hotel
Today I am telling you that I will go to the capital of my province, named Mashhad, which is a religious and tourist city and is considered quite populous with an industrial fabric.
Mashhad is located in you in the eastern country of Iran and is a pilgrimage to the shrine of Imam Reza (AS) and welcomes many pilgrims.
We were patrolling in Mashhad and on one of the busiest streets in front of the Homa Hotel building, which was famous in the past, replicas of one of my favorite programs aired on television in the past and still demanding a lot.
As you can see in the first photo, there is a corner of the very large building of Homa Hotel.
The television program was called obese and lean, with two friends, one being thin, tall, and the other obese and short height, with red losses. The designer of these replicas should be said to have designed them according to the main character.
Many people came for photography, and of course, the children were more attracted to the red car.
We photographed these photos alongside the lean personality.
This photo was almost farther away, which was not possible because of the red light of the intersection. The same color combination and the memories of these characters attracted many people.
And we took these a few more photos alongside the obese character, which was shorter. The program for these two characters was very remarkable, and I was always waiting for an excitement in every part of it, and of course I was stressed at times to the next part.
These two obese and lean dolls on the big boss who ordered were always on the mission to do a saboteur, but they always angered their boss with their own impatience.
The program was made in several series, and in the last series, a third agent, which was the role of a man named X625, was added to the program in the last two series.
Hope you love today's post and this was a very small corner of my trip to Mashhad.
I would love to know your comments and are those who have followed this program !! ???
Goodbye until another blog is published.
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Thank you for letting me know, and God willing, I will share more of my adventurous trips in the upcoming posts.
That´s great to hear @naseshahedi. We are already looking forward to it.