Fiction: Everything that does not happen/ Todo lo que no ocurre (ENG/ ESP)




Eva has woken up with heartburn. Despite the antacids she took during the night, her stomach is like boiling soup. Although she would have liked not to attend the luncheon of the new partners of the company, she knows that Esteban, her husband, will not accept her evasion of that commitment:

"You know for a fact that we can't not attend those events because my promotion depends on them",_ he repeats to her every time Eva tries to refuse to attend those social gatherings.
So she takes two more pills and drinks two glasses of water. She looks at the clock and knows she has little time left, but Estaban also reminds her:

"Lunch is at 1. You need to get ready. You look like you haven't slept at all,” he says as he goes into the bathroom to take a shower.

"My stomach hurts,” says Eva sitting on the edge of the bed.

"That always happens to you and you always get over it. -If it's because of what happened this week, forget about it. Get ready soon, it's getting late.



At 1 o'clock, Eva and Esteban make their entrance at the house where the lunch will be held. The couple is welcomed by the cheering crowd. Like oil and water, when they enter the house, Eva and Esteban separate. He goes with a group of well-dressed businessmen and she has to stand in one of the corners. Some women, wives of the executives, come up to her:

"You have a late-night look on your face!" -says one of the women indiscreetly.

"You should have used a little make-up to hide those dark circles under your eyes,” advised another, kissing one of her cheeks.

Eva clenches her fists and feels a bead of sweat trickle down her face. She refuses to stop it and lets the bead of sweat continue down her neck. Esteban converses animatedly with the other guests: the male laughter reaches Eva.

The other women also turn to look at the laughing men:

"They seem to be having fun,” said a woman who at that moment was holding a glass of wine in her sharp-nailed hands.

"They must be talking about cars, games or those things that amuse them so much,” said another woman with a motherly tone.

"It seems that the new partner will be Esteban,” whispered the woman with the glass.

"You must be very proud and happy for him, Eva. Esteban is such a kind, loving, responsible husband,” said the one with the motherly voice.



Eve remained silent as the women took great pains to praise her husband. Like claws descending towards them, Eva felt that each comment was meant to hurt her:

"Supposedly the promotion will be done today and the new office is ready,” said the woman taking a sip of wine.

Eva feels trapped in that circle. The acidity felt like a sting, like a bite: she knew she was vulnerable at that moment, so she kept silent.

At that moment, Eva sees that the woman with the glass separates from the group of women and goes towards the group of men. She stops next to Esteban and her hand without the cup, with pointed nails, caresses his shoulder, massaging it, while her mouth approaches his ear. She says something to him, softly, quickly, then they both smile. Then she leaves and behind her go Esteban's eyes, who remains smiling.



Eva has been alone for a while when she sees Esteban walking towards her. His face is indecipherable, a poem without rhyme, free verse:

"Did you know you're getting a promotion today?" -She asked bluntly, and her words were an unexpected blow. Esteban stammered. Then he answered:

"Yes" -covering his face with a glass of whiskey.

"I congratulate you,” Eva uttered those words wearily.

"You're not forgetting what happened this week, are you? I told you there is nothing between me and her,” muttered Esteban between his teeth, then he left. Eva watches her husband's back walk away. That back that has been the evidence: marked, with minimal nail lines.

"You're crazy. Things are not as they seem" -Eva remembered what Esteban told her at night and she feels the acidity coming back, she has a volcano erupting in her stomach, in her chest: a pain so strong that it has charred her heart and turned it to ashes.

All images are free of charge and the text is my own, translated in Deepl


Thank you for reading and commenting. Until a future reading, friends

![Click here to read in spanish]
Todo lo que no ocurre
Eva se ha despertado con acidez en el estómago. A pesar de los antiácidos que se ha tomado en la noche, su estómago es una sopa hirviendo. Aunque hubiese querido no asistir al almuerzo de los nuevos socios de la empresa, sabe que Esteban, su esposo, no aceptará que ella evada aquel compromiso:
_Sabes de sobra que no podemos dejar de asistir a esos eventos porque de ellos depende mi ascenso –le repite cada vez que Eva intenta negarse a acudir a esas reuniones sociales.
Por eso se toma dos pastillas más y bebé dos vasos de agua. Mira el reloj y sabe que le queda poco tiempo, pero Estaban también se lo recuerda:
_El almuerzo es a la 1. Debes arreglarte. Tienes una cara como si no hubieses dormido nada –le dice mientras se mete al baño a ducharte.
_Me duele el estómago –dice Eva sentada en la orilla de la cama.
_Eso te ocurre siempre y siempre se te pasa. –afirma categóricamente Esteban después de 10 minutos, cuando sale del baño- Si es por lo que ocurrió esta semana, ya olvídalo. Alístate pronto que se hace tarde.
A la 1 en punto, Eva y Esteban hacen su entrada en la casa donde se hará el almuerzo. La gente animada le da la bienvenida a la pareja. Como el aceite y el agua, cuando entran a la casa, Eva y Esteban se separan. Él va con un grupo de empresarios bien vestidos y a ella le toca estar en una de las esquinas. Hasta ella llegan algunas mujeres, esposas de los ejecutivos:
_¡Tienes una cara de trasnochada! –dice una de las mujeres indiscretamente.
_Hubieses utilizado un poco de maquillaje para ocultar esas ojeras –aconsejó otra besándole una de las mejillas.
Eva aprieta los puños y siente que una gota de sudor baja por su rostro. Se niega a detenerla y deja que la gota de sudor siga bajando por su cuello. >Esteban conversa animadamente con los otros invitados y hasta Eva, llegan las carcajadas masculinas.
Las otras mujeres también voltean a ver a los hombres que ríen:
_Parece que se divierten –afirmó una mujer que en ese instante tomaba una copa de vino entre sus manos de uñas afiladas.
_ Seguro hablan de carros, de juegos o de esas cosas que tanto les divierten –anotó otra mujer con tono maternal.
_Al parecer el nuevo socio será Esteban –secreteó la mujer de la copa.
_Debes estar muy orgullosa y contenta por él, Eva. Esteban es un esposo tan amable, cariñoso, responsable –dijo la de la voz maternal.
Eva permaneció callada mientras las mujeres se esmeraban en elogiar a su esposo. Como garras que descienden hacia ellas, Eva siente que cada comentario busca herirla:
_Supuestamente el ascenso se hará hoy y ya está lista la nueva oficina –dijo la mujer bebiendo un sorbo de vino.
Eva se siente presa de aquel círculo. La acidez la siente como un aguijón, como un mordisco: se sabe vulnerable en aquel momento, por eso calla.
En ese instante, Eva ve que la mujer con la copa se separa del grupo de mujeres y va hacia el grupo de hombres. Se detiene al lado de Esteban y su mano sin copa, con uñas puntiagudas, acaricia el hombro, lo masajea, mientras su boca se acerca a su oreja. Le dice algo, bajito, rápido, luego los dos sonríen. >Luego se va y detrás de ella van los ojos de Esteban que permanece sonriendo.
Desde hace rato Eva está sola cuando ve que Esteban camina hacia ella. Su rostro es indescifrable, un poema sin rima, de versos libres:
_¿Sabías que te darán un ascenso hoy? –preguntó de rompe y sus palabras fueron un golpe inesperado. Esteban tartamudeó. Luego respondió:
_Sí –tapando su rostro con un vaso de whisky.
_Te felicito –Eva pronunció aquellas palabras con cansancio.
_No olvidas lo que pasó esta semana. ¿Cierto? Ya te dije que entre ella y yo no hay nada –murmuró Esteban entre dientes, luego se marchó. Elvira mira la espalda de su esposo alejarse. Esa espalda que ha sido la evidencia: marcada, con mínimas líneas de uñas.
_Estás loca. Las cosas no son como parecen –recordó Eva que le dijo Esteban por la noche y siente que la acidez vuelve, tiene un volcán en erupción en el estómago, en el pecho: un dolor tan fuerte que le ha carbonizado el corazón y se lo ha hecho cenizas.


Todo un mundo de apariencias descrito al detalle en tu relato. 👌

Como siempre es bueno poder leerte 🌷


Elvira watches her husband's back walk away.

I'm quite confused on this part—is Elvira her full name? It somehow distracted me, so I just wanna ask if Elvira and Eva are the same person.

Anyway, I really liked how you narrated her experience with his cheating husband. I really felt her anguish and pain—and yeah, I hope she'll leave that two-face bastard. I was really affected because I once witnessed my friend getting cheated on—thank God my friend soothed me or else! gaahhhh I really hate lying and cheating men like him!

Thanks for sharing such an affecting read, @nancybriti1! I hope the Estebans in real life would get what they deserve!


It was a mistake. Thank you for noticing it. I corrected it! And yes, hopefully men like Esteban will get what they deserve. Regards


I read the first part and immediately said Estaban is a selfish man only concerned about himself. I wish women would follow the same route and treat the men exactly the same way they treat them. He doesn't love Eva and is only concerned about his public appearance. May all Eva's out there get the strength that they need to either deal with such men or walk away.

A lovely story.


When women decide to say enough is enough, there will be no more Esteban. Thank you for your comment. Regards


This response from you is the best thing I have read on the internet.



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Wow! This is sad. Does he think Eva is so gullible that she'll fall his lies just like that?
And to think that she wasn't feeling too well but couldn't even utter a word of sympathy.
I hope that volcano erupts soon and she give back to Esteban a taste of his own medicine.

A very beautiful story you have here


Women in power! Thank you for your comment. Regards


A deception is eating away at the insides, they say here. A very interesting story to read about a supposed deception and a desperation to know the truth. You portray elite parties, behaviors, situations and social circles very well.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Excellent Tuesday.


Thank you, my friend. That's exactly what I wanted to point out: everything that is behind, that is not said, in this story, but that is happening. Not everything is as it seems. Greetings and good day



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