Creative Nonfiction: Little queen without crown/ Una reina sin corona (ENG/ ESP)




Little queen without crown

This story is in the public domain. For many years it was talked about when the carnival arrived at school or at home when someone wanted to tuck themselves in beyond what the sheets could reach: “Don't let it happen to you like the queen who was left without a crown,” everyone would say in whispers and double-entendre words so as not to open old wounds.I have spoken of this story before, but until now I had not told the end: perhaps because it was not relevant or because perhaps it still hurts.

In one of the carnivals of the last century, in my school they decided to choose a queen. I was a girl who not only because of her physical features, but also because of her personality, attracted a lot of attention, so my classmates decided to choose me as the class candidate. At home we were not in the best economic moment so my parents rejected the choice, but I remember that I begged them to let me participate and I reminded them that I was only the homeroom candidate and that I doubted that they would choose me as the school queen. In the end, my parents decided to give me the opportunity and I participated as the homeroom candidate.

Although my parents were reluctant, they supported me all the way, so much so that I remember that my mother did my make-up and that is where she made up on my face that mole on the corner of my mouth with which I would feel more like my father. I did it so well, I was selected as queen of my school.

Dad and mom were laborers who were paid on the 15th and 30th of every month and there was no money at home to buy everything they had to buy for me to be a queen, so they decided to talk to the school principal to have the first finalist chosen as the winner. The first finalist was Jessica, how could I forget her name, and she had been queen the year before, so she had all the accoutrements of a queen: cape, scepter and crown.



At home I cried a lot and in my childish soul, I couldn't understand how my parents, who worked every day, didn't have enough to buy what I wanted:

"We have to buy food, Nancy,” my dad scolded me.

"Buying you those unnecessary things is too much of an expense,” my mom would add.

"But it's just a little dress and some new shoes,” I tried to take away the monetary value of everything, ‘I swear to you that I will never again in my life ask her for anything,’ I promised and swore. But my parents were very humble and could not, even if they wanted to, give me that luxury.

However, when my parents told my teachers that I could not be the queen because we did not have the money for that expense, my teachers agreed and collaborated with each other: one got a cape, the other got a dress, the other got the center. Since they didn't get a crown, my teacher asked Jessica if I could borrow hers. I don't know how that transaction went, but in the end they also lent me the crown.

On the day of the coronation, I had a very nice white dress and a red cape, also borrowed. The only thing they didn't lend me were some shiny black slippers that I wore only when there was a party and they were too tight. At the time of the coronation, Jessica, being the outgoing queen, put a sash on me, handed me the scepter and put the crown on me. If you were to ask me right now what I remember from that moment, I would say that my heart was beating so fast that I thought it was going to burst out of my chest.



The idea was that after the coronation, I would stay sitting on my throne watching all the cultural events they had prepared for that day, but not half an hour had passed when Jessica came to my side and told me to give her the crown that she had to leave. I don't know what face I made, but my teachers ran to my aid, however Jessica told them:

"I didn't tell my mom I would lend the crown and I don't want to be scolded. So I'm taking it.

"But we are responsible,” said my teacher trying to get them to let us have the crown.

"I can't. I don't want you to scold me,” she said something like that and in the middle of the stage, they took off my crown and I felt so naked. So naked that I only saw my shoes, the only thing that was mine, in the whole event.

In between acts, I watched as Jessica, in the audience, carried the crown and I, sitting on the queen's throne, was missing one. I was too young to know that it's all in the attitude, that from birth, women are queens. The only thing I thought was that some children can be cruel, and that I wanted to get home quickly to take off those shoes that were too tight.

All images are free of charge and the text is my own, translated in Deepl


Thank you for reading and commenting. Until a future reading, friends

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Una reina sin corona
Esta historia es del dominio público. Por muchos años se habló de ella cuando el carnaval llegaba a la escuela o en casa cuando alguien quería arroparse más allá de lo que alcanzaba la sábanas: no te vaya a pasar como a la reina que la dejaron sin corona, decían todos entre cuchicheos y palabras de doble sentido para no abrir viejas heridas.
De esta historia he hablado otras veces, pero hasta ahora no había contado el final: tal vez porque no venía al caso o porque tal vez, todavía duele.

En uno de los carnavales del siglo pasado, en mi escuela decidieron escoger una reina. Yo era una niña que no solo por sus rasgos físicos, también por su personalidad, llamaba mucho la atención, así que mis compañeros de clase decidieron escogerme como candidata del salón. En casa no estábamos en el mejor momento económico por lo que mis padres rechazaron la escogencia, pero recuerdo que les imploré que me dejaran participar y les recordé que solo era la candidata del salón y que dudaba que me escogieran como reina de la escuela. Al final, mis padres decidieron darme la oportunidad y yo participé como candidata del salón.

Aunque mis padres estaban renuentes, me apoyaron en todo momento, tanto así que recuerdo que mi madre me maquilló y es ahí donde ella maquilla en mi rostro aquel lunar en la comisura de mi boca con el cual yo me sentiría más parecida a mi padre. Yo lo hice tan bien, que quedé seleccionada como reina de mi escuela.
Papá y mamá eran obreros que cobraban los 15 y 30 de cada mes y no había dinero en casa para comprar todo lo que tenían que comprar para que yo fuera una reina, así que decidieron hablar con la directora de la escuela para que escogieran a la primera finalista como ganadora. La primera finalista era Jessica, cómo olvidar su nombre, y había sido reina en el año anterior, así que tenía todos los implementos de una reina: capa, cetro y corona.

En casa yo lloré mucho y en mi alma de niña, no entendía cómo unos papás que trabajaban todos los días, no tuvieran para comprar lo que yo deseaba:

_Tenemos que comprar comida, Nancy –me regañaba mi papá.
_Comprarte esas cosas innecesarias es un gasto demasiado grande –añadía mi mamá.
_Pero es solo un vestidito y unos zapaticos nuevos –intentaba yo quitarle valor monetario a todo- Se los juro que más nunca en mi vida voy a pedirle algo –prometía y juraba. Pero mis padres eran muy humildes y no podían, aunque quisieran, darme ese lujo.

Sin embargo, cuando mis padres les comunicaron a mis maestros que yo no podía ser la reina porque nosotros no teníamos el dinero para aquel gasto, mis maestros se pusieron de acuerdo y colaboraron entre ellos: uno consiguió una capa, la otra consiguió un vestido, la otra consiguió el centro. Como no conseguían una corona, mi maestra le pidió a Jessica si podía prestarme la de ella. No sé cómo fue esa transacción, pero al final también me prestaron la corona.
El día de la coronación, yo tenía un vestido blanco, muy bonito, prestado y una capa roja, también prestada. Lo único que no me prestaron fueron unos zapaticos negros brillantes que yo utilizaba solo cuando había fiesta y me quedaban apretados. En el momento de la coronación, Jessica, como era la reina saliente, me puso una banda, me entregó el cetro y me puso la corona. Si me preguntaran en este instante qué recuerdo de ese momento, diría que me dolía la cara de la gran risa que tenía en el rostro.
La idea era que después de la coronación, yo me quedara sentada en mi trono viendo todos los actos culturales que habían preparado para ese día, pero no había pasado media hora cuando Jessica llegó a mi lado y me dijo que le entregara la corona que debía irse. No sé qué cara puse, pero mis maestras corrieron a mi auxilio, sin embargo Jessica les dijo:
_Yo no le dije a mi mamá que prestaría la corona y no quiero que me regañen. Así que me la llevo.
_Pero nosotros nos hacemos responsables –dijo mi maestra tratando de que nos dejaran la corona.
_No puedo. No quiero que me regañe –dijo algo parecido a eso y en mitad del escenario, me quitaron la corona y yo me sentí tan desnuda. Tan desnuda que solo vi mis zapatos, lo único que era mío, en todo el evento.
Entre acto y acto, vi cómo Jessica, entre el público, portaba la corona y yo, sentada en el trono de reina, me faltaba una. Era muy niña para saber que todo está en la actitud, que desde que nacemos, las mujeres somos unas reinas. Lo único que pensaba era que algunos niños pueden ser crueles.



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Feliz y agradecida por vuestro apoyo, amigos!!


Reading this story, my heart went out to the little girl inside of you, @nancybriti1; the one who is still reeling from the pain of that experience. We can all look back at things from our past with the benefit of a more mature understanding, but that doesn't make the pain any less real. You did a great job conveying your pain with hard-hitting well-placed sentences.


This experience has always been with me: perhaps, deep down, I feel that I am a queen without a crown. Thank you very much for your words. I appreciate them and I'm sure they will be food for thought.
