Days Gone: Tracking a Survivor.

I followed the concept of this game last with the nero radio mission and then I did some special posts showing some special parts of this game and I even joined some contests. Now I'm back in business to follow the the concept and I took charge of tracking a survivor and help her survive.

When I was close to the missions location, I noticed a fellow survivor shooting zombies and I thought this is the man I went there to track and look how I jumped with the bike there.

Then a tiny cinematic took place and I understood that it was not about saving that man who was shooting zombies there.

I had to track someone else and the tracking journey started from that canal water down there. After this little cinematic, there was no zombie and no survivor there anymore.

When I started tracking, Deacon sensed someone comin there to take water. His sensing ability looks cool.

There I found footprints and I started following the prints. It looked like the survivor was cunning and tried to confuse any tracker as she was using subways like through buildings and obstacles.

The footprints took me inside this store and it goes out of that window. This store had most of the windows covered but only this one was open which tells me this survivor uses this road frequently.

After jumping though the window, I noticed this man coming that place riding a bike and I hid myself fast so he don't notice me and fortunately he didn't. Then I noticed more of them started guarding there.

When I was going to take this man down quietly, I noticed he is actually a she. I took her down easily.

Then I noticed this newt standing there and I was getting ready to take it down as it could jump on me anytime. I went inside the store and noticed another newt on the roof of that gas station.

I used the back way to the to newt and I took it down quietly form behind and I noticed that sniping light at that very moment.

Now I hid there behind a wall to check on the place and the enemies and I noticed the sniper on a building far and there were more of them guarding around. They're called Rippers.

I climbed to the roof of the gas station to take them down from a good cover but a newt attacked me there and I had to kill it fast. Then when I was spotting the sniper first, the rippers on the ground noticed me and started shooting at me.

I had to be careful to not getting sniper shot and I was scared of them climbing to this rooftop.

After shooting all of them down starting with the sniper, I went to the spot where the sniper was hiding and then I saw more of them coming from the other way riding motorbikes.

After killing more of them, I reached another spot where couple more were waiting for me to blast their brains out and I noticed an infected zone there.

Looking for the infected zone, I found this nest inside that building and I put out a Molotov to burn it down.

I was not a fool to burn it down when I was inside there, I got out and threw the Molotov and two zombies came out of it although these nests normally covers a lot of zombies at once.

Burning the nest, I ran to the road and I hid myself behind this car when that zombie was looking for me like crazy. I took it down from behind.

The other zombie was a lady zombie and I decided to kill her not quietly but using my axe.

I found this police vehicle. These vehicle means ammunition refills as I find ammos in the trunk of these cars. I tried with this one and found some ammos for both the assault rifle and the sniper rifle.

My next objective is to get inside this house which was sealed from all around by any means possible. And I was asked to look for an alternative way to get in as the survivor could be inside there.

But that's all I wished to talk about in this post. I'll talk about the rest of the chapter in another post later. Stay tuned so you don't miss that and my update about this game if you like it.

How do you like me narrating of the gameplay?
If you like it, feel free to like, comment & share. I will soon come with another post writing what happens next.


Luckily zombies are slow. What an adventure you had! I loved your narration and the captures.


Unfortunately, zombies in this game are not that slow. They run so fast and can take me down fast as well.
I'm thrilled to hear that you enjoyed both the narration and the captures from my adventure. Thank you so much for your kind words.


Great takes. The first photo looks awesome where you were doing the bike jump. Happy gaming.
@sagarkothari88 vote 17.5%


Thank you for your kind words and for the the vote suggestion. Happy gaming to you as well.


A true feat you did to follow the survivor's trail and help him. It was amazing the part where you face the enemies and burn a zombie nest.


Following the survivor's trail and helping them in the game was indeed a great experience. When I just started playing this game, I was too scared to burn these nests but now whenever and wherever I see one, I burn them.
