Days Gone: No Starving Patriots.



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I'm back with another post about Days Gone and this is Episode Four where I'll talk about a new chapter.

Here's my gameplay that I published on my YouTube channel.

No Starving Patriots

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I was at our camp and as a first objective of this mission, I had to locate the cascade radio tower ambush camp.

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When I was about to leave the camp by the bike, I've found this fantastic photo mode feature that I wasn't aware of and I used that feature and clicked this photo.

Then I left the camp and started riding the bike towards the cascade radio tower camp.

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When I was close to the camp, I've found this sign on the rocks saying, "We shoot on site" and I understood that there's something wrong there so I left the bike there and thought of sneaking through to check what's going on there.

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And what I thought came true. There was an armed man came close to me and I shot him down.

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And when I was walking towards the camp, there was this place hanging two corpse of freakers probably or maybe they were human when they were taken out and there was this big cloth underneath the corpses where someone wrote down, "Turn back or die".

Well I understood that I had to be so careful there.

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I moved forward and as soon as I saw an armed man there, I hid in the grasses and I threw a rock in order to get the attention of that man and it worked. That man came over close to me to check about the sound and I took him down silently.

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Then there were two armed men strolling around a shade. I moved there slowly without making sound and then I took both of them down silently while none of them was aware of what's coming to them.

Then I got close to the camp with the big radio tower and it seems there were more peoples inside there.

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And suddenly I've found this man outside the camp strolling around and after waiting in the grass for sometime, I went close to him slowly and took him down silently.

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Now its time to check the inside of the camp and there were some armed peoples walking around the camp like routine walk and there was a woman standing at a point that made it impossible for me to get inside without attention.

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So I tried to take a different path outside the camp and I've found a campfire where there were some peoples strolling around but there was this man getting warmed up by the fire whom I tried to take out silently but he noticed me right before I could take him down and he warned the others.

So I killed him and I moved back and took shelter while all other peoples were already aware of my presence and looking for me.
And I killed them all or I thought that was all.

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Now I had the new objective to repair the tower power supply and the power supply was there already.

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I went to the power supply and interacted with it so that it gets repaired and as soon as it repairs.

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There was this lady with a rifle came to me targeting me but our Deacon was smart enough to understand that the lady didn't have any ammo. If she had any ammo then she'd shoot already and Deacon gave the lady a chance to live as he don't kill ladies if he has a choice and the lady left the place immediately.

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There was an underground bunker that I needed to investigate now.

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I went there inside a room that had the door of the underground bunker and I opened the door so that I can go inside.

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While going down through the ladder, I thought this scene might be a little different and good in a way so I clicked this one.

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And I was inside the bunker already, now I had to investigate it furthermore.

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I've found this map there that Deacon thought can be handy at some point.

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Mission completed.

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Storyline updated.

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Storyline reward.

How do you like my gameplay narration?
If you like it, feel free to like, comment & share. I will soon come with another post writing what happens next.

0.375 NEOXAG


The excitement seems to increase with each episode. I wonder what that woman was doing there. I hope we'll find out in the next episodes.

0.000 NEOXAG

You're right and the story is getting interesting.
That woman was hided it seemed and then he tried to scare me with the empty rifle haha.

0.000 NEOXAG

Man that thumbnail picture looks sick. I mean sneaking behind the enemy is not something that everyone can do perfectly.
And I loved those screenshots that you clicked from the photo mode.
This game looks fabulous.

0.000 NEOXAG

Yes that's why I chose that picture for thumbnail, I personally liked it.
Thanks for your nice comment.

0.000 NEOXAG