Days Gone: Its time to save the survivor.


I talked about tracking a survivor in my last post here but I couldn't get to the survivor in that post which should keep my readers in a special excitement. To get to the survivor, I had to fight all those rippers there so you might want to know what else I had to do to save the survivor.

My next objective is to get inside this house which was sealed from all around by any means possible. And I was asked to look for an alternative way to get in as the survivor could be inside there.

This is where I left you guys and this should help remind you where we were the other day. Now that I had to get inside the house but all the doors and windows were sealed, I had to look for an alternative way.

After looking around the house for twice, I noticed this ladder on the ground that I could use easily to get to the upper floor of the house and then I could get inside as there's an open door. I just interacted with the ladder and my character Deacon fixed it on his own.

After getting inside the house, I was trying to be very careful cause I was thinking there'd be more rippers inside.

But instead, I found this girl inside who was not harmful in any way. Deacon was asking if she was alone or not but the girl was not saying a word.

Then Deacon noticed the name of that girl on that trophy and she is Lisa Jackson. When Deacon was checking on the trophy, Lisa came to him and grabbed the trophy first and when she understood that Deacon might be a good person, she hugged him and asked him to get her to her mother.

Actually the mother of Lisa went outside before the apocalypse happened and never returned. Lisa was thinking her mother would definitely come to her so she didn't leave her house. Now Deacon convinced her saying that her mother could be in a camp so he suggested, they should visit Hot Springs Camp.

Having faith on Deacon, Lisa came outside and started following him but there were a lot of zombies around. I climbed up again to shoot those zombies down as I thought the zombies won't harm anyone in this game except me as I noticed this at a camp before.

But I was wrong as I noticed a zombie was trying to eat Lisa alive. Shooting him down, I went down fast and I took down the other zombies that were around. Now we had to get to my bike so we could leave for Hot Springs camp.

Getting close to my bike, I noticed a huge beer attacking or being attacked by some zombies and they were right beside my bike. I didn't wish to face the bear up front.

So I ran towards this ladder fast so I could go up that building and maybe shoot down the bear from there untouched. And I had to take down some Newts there on the rooftop and they also looked scared of the bear. I was getting worried about Lisa but she turned out to be a clever girl and hid inside a box there.

I threw a Molotov on the bear that drained a good health of the beast but the bear went to the back of that store after that and I couldn't get a shot on it.

So, I came down and I started shooting it from a far so I could jump on the ladder when it comes towards me and then I'd throw Molotov on it again and that worked and it hid again.

The next time I thought of fighting it upfront so I jumped up no that car and kept shooting it. I thought it wouldn't attack me when I was on the car but I was wrong again and as you can see above, the bear sent me flying.

I climbed the ladder fast and then I threw another Molotov on it and I kept shooting it which killed the beast at last and I became a bear hunter, yay.

Now we started riding my bike towards Hot Springs Camp when I was observing the beautiful scenes around. The graphics of this game can't stop amaze me.

When we were inside a tunnel, we noticed a gang inside there so I left Liza behind and I fought them. It was not so hard taking those peoples down as I'm already a professional hunter in this game.

Then we kept riding towards the camp and we didn't have to stop anywhere else again as there were no incidents on our way onwards.

Fortunately, Tucker, the head of this camp knew Lisa as they were neighbors and both of them (Tucker and Lisa) looked happy seeing each other. Deacon asked Tucker to go soft on this girl and my mission to save the survivor came to an end here.

That's all I wished to talk about in this post. Stay tuned so you don't miss that and my update about this game if you like it.

How do you like me narrating of the gameplay?
If you like it, feel free to like, comment & share. I will soon come with another post writing what happens next.


That moment where your character was flying after getting bear attack, looks cool. Handling the bear in this way sounds brilliant. Great takes, especially the one where you showed the snow mountain behind you looks beautiful. @sagarkothari88 vote 15%


I was scared at that moment thinking he might die with the fall but fortunately he was okay and I could climb up fast. Thanks for the kind words.


This game is really epic, you managed to save a beautiful little girl, it's really a good game, just like you, I also really like seeing the graphics of this game which are very good


Thank you for your kind words. Its great to know that you liked the game and found the graphics impressive.


Incredible screenhots you brought us here, mate. I never played this game before, but I have one friend that have this game and always is inviting me to play, so now I'm definitely convinced to give it a try :D



It sounds like you have a great friend who has been recommending the game to you and it'd be great if this game had a multiplayer option as well. I'm glad you like the screenshots I captured and thanks for your comment.

If you decide to give the game a try, I hope you have an amazing time exploring the open-world of this game.
