Memoir Monday #20 | What fads you adopted while growing up? 🧡


Hello friends of the #Silverbloggers community I hope you are doing well today. Today I wanted to join Memoir Monday #20 to talk about fashion and things I like to wear and feel comfortable with. I have always been a person to wear a lot of sweaters, I love them to this day as I find them cute although for the heat of my city it is not such a nice garment still sometimes no matter the heat I wear my favorite sweaters, I have all kinds of styles and colors.



For me a garment is something that I like to wear if I feel comfortable with it, before I used to be embarrassed to wear shorts or very low-cut shirts, in my adolescence I had a more basic style, I liked to wear very tight pants and some torn, I also liked all that style of European things or from other countries because I thought it was very nice to look pretty to go out. Lately I have risked more after my knee surgery I have gone out with shorts and seeing some pictures that I have taken I realize that my legs are beautiful despite the scars I have from the surgery and that I did not know how to value when I was younger, but it's never too late haha.


Some of the things I have adapted from my closet come from the way my mom used to dress me according to each stage of my life until I was able to decide what I liked and what I didn't like. In these pictures I show you different looks that I have liked and that I find very consistent with my personality, I do not like extravagant things or with too many designs, I am more simple and I like the typical blue jean with a shirt or sweater that make me feel pretty in the mirror, I am of slim build so I often get easily clothes of my style and it is something that I thank my body because I really am a person who does not do physical activity although I am thinking of starting at some point.



Among my favorite items besides sweaters are pastel shirts, ripped pants and blue jeans or light blue jeans, some crop top style shirts with a sweater and anything with pastel colors are my favorite items. Actually the style I wear is pretty basic but I feel comfortable with what I see and what looks good on me, I hope to have the money at some point to buy some things I need. I really enjoy remembering all the styles I have gone through and the way they make me feel, I think the more comfortable you are the better you will look in the mirror and to others as you reflect that energy that you like what you are wearing and with a good attitude and a smile everything looks better ☺️🌸


This is my entry for the proposal by @ericvancewalton


Gracias por llegar hasta el final de este post, espero que les haya gustado y agradezco su apoyo y sus comentarios, les envío un fuerte abrazo 🤗

Thanks for making it to the end of this post, I hope you liked it and I appreciate your support and your comments, I send you a big hug 🤗


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I like all of the outfits you showed us, and they all look great on you!

My favorite would be the one where you are wearing a grey top and black pants. I tend to like dark colors like that. So nice to see your sweet smile in that pic and some of the others too! :)


Thanks my friend Kenny! I like dark colors too but I don't tend to wear them all the time. My clothes are simple but I like what I wear and how they fit 😸


Hi there, good to see you over here at the Silver Bloggers Community...

It's a pleasure that you want to take part in our "Library of Wisdom and Fun"! But there is always a but - we can see that you are a "youngster" compared to what we actually "have set" as an average age to have in our community.

So, you might don't get the support in our community because of that. And your post will not be curated by our Moderators. #justSaying

Though you'll be always welcomed, like our grand children are. 😏

