Cooking SPICY And Tasty POTATO FRY With Pointed Gourd !!

Today we will learn how to make pointed gourd with potato fry.It is a simple yet delicious.It is very less time consuming recipe.

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Pointed gourd also known as parwal is a good source of vitamins and minerals. It is a good source of carbohydrates, vitamin A, and vitamin C. It also contains major nutrients and trace elements (magnesium, potassium, copper, sulfur, and chlorine) which are needed in small quantities, for playing essential roles in human physiology.It helps to clean our blood and tissues. According to ayurveda, parwal or pointed gourd has the capacity to boost our immunity. It is used as a medicine to treat flu, throat problems and high temperatures. Regular consumption of this veggie can reduce the problem of getting cold and flu frequently.


Health benefits of potato:

  • Packed With Nutrients.

  • Contain Antioxidants. Potatoes are rich in compounds like flavonoids, carotenoids and phenolic acids (4). ...

  • May Improve Blood Sugar Control.

  • May Improve Digestive Health.

  • Naturally Gluten-Free. ...

  • Incredibly Filling. ...


-Pointed gourd-500gms
-Potatoes-5-6medium size
-Onion-2medium size
-Dry red chilli-2-3(according to your taste how much spicy you want)
-Salt-according to your taste


-Firstly deep fry onion and red chilli
-Then pour some onion and fry the potatoes for 3-5mins
-Add pointed gourd to the potatoes and fry them for 5mins
-Meanwhile crush the onion and red chilli usimg your hands
-Add the crushed onion and chilli to the gourd and potato fry and mix well
-Add little little quantity of water and fry for 10mins don't add more in one time
-Yeah its ready to serve,Enjoy:)


The pointed gourd recipe is ready to serve.Enjoy this with roti as well as rice.

Well That is All I Had For This Article :)

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