MYRIA SDK Launch Announcement & NFT Utility
Myria's SDK is open for building!
Myria’s Software Development Kit (SDK) has been released! The initial SDK toolkit enables developers to easily launch NFT collections on Myria L2 in a matter of minutes
➡️ Without the need to understand blockchain coding languages like solidity
➡️ Allowing their communities to mint and trade NFTs with 0 gas fees and carbon neutral transactions
➡️ Providing a frictionless user experience for all
To access the SDK, head to Myria SDK Developer Access
Read all about our SDK offering here on Myria Official Medium Blog
If you're a builder, don't forget to join our Myria Builders Discord community here by raising a support ticket to gain access in the support channel.
NFT Utility
It's time to mint your Sigil NFTs on Myria L2 🔗
These invaluable NFTs will provide their lucky holders with future access to events and launches in the Myria ecosystem, starting with the first free airdrop for Sigil holders coming 🔜
You must hold your minted Sigil NFTs in your Myria Wallet on the snapshot date to be eligible! Details to be revealed soon 👀
Not sure how to mint? Watch the full video walkthrough here on YouTube
➡️ Head to Myria Sigil Mint & mint your rewards now!
Psyber-X Announces First Airdrop for Myria NFT holders
(first airdrop of Alliance Sigil Skin, more to come with game launch for Title holders)
- Special Title NFT Holder Airdrop at Game Launch