Drawing 129 Holly For Rising Star Game

I finished drawing 129 Holly with ibis paint x app a few days ago. I have drawn this card with gouache colours on paper a long time ago. Different between traditional drawing and digital drawing, I think I feel more easy to paint in digital drawing. It took a lot of time to paint with gouache colours for this card because this card need a lot of paintings to do. But for digital painting for this card, it is more easier because there are some tools that will help to paint the card faster. So, I am more enjoy with digital drawing. Long time ago, I drew with traditional method and used gouache painting. Now, I tried to do more digital drawing and digital painting.

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I like drawing 129 Holly. She is a beautiful girl with beautiful dress. I like her dress and I enjoy drawing and painting this dress. 129 Holly has 10 fans and 5 skill.

Like other pictures, I drew the sketch first. Then, I detailed the drawing. I also drew her face and hair in detailed version. I also wrote the name of the card and fans, skill, luck and im in the picture.

Lastly, I painted the picture. For her dress, I used two differennt blue colours. For the upper part of the dress, I used light blue colour. For the bottom part of the dress, I used dark blue colour to paint. In the upper part, I drew two birds and some lines. In the bottom part, I drew many lines with light blue colour. After painting the the whole picture, I finished the picture of 129 Holly successfully.
