Return to the Fisherman's Village, witness the beauty of the sunset and fishermen's activities
Hello Hiver in Photography Community Lover
How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are
This afternoon, my feet stepped again into a fishing village that was no longer foreign to me. In this place, I have repeatedly captured the daily moments of fishermen and the enchanting sunset panorama.
Sore ini, kakiku kembali melangkah ke kampung nelayan yang tak asing lagi bagiku. Di tempat ini, aku telah berkali-kali mengabadikan momen keseharian para nelayan dan panorama matahari terbenam yang memesona.
Today's evening sky is like an abstract painting, the color gradations are so stunning. Tints of orange combine with light purple, creating an extraordinary panorama. Under this beautiful sky, fishermen can be seen paddling their canoes calmly, returning home from their fishing grounds. This view always manages to fascinate me.
Langit senja hari ini bagaikan lukisan abstrak, gradasi warnanya begitu memukau. Semburat jingga berpadu dengan ungu muda, menciptakan panorama yang luar biasa. Di bawah langit yang indah ini, para nelayan terlihat mengayuh sampan mereka dengan tenang, pulang dari tempat peliharaan ikannya. Pemandangan ini selalu berhasil membuatku terpesona.
As day turned into night, the fishermen began to return to land. They would gather with their families, sharing stories about the day's catch. In the distance, you can see fish cages lined up neatly on the surface of the Lhokseumawe reservoir. Every day, the fishermen diligently care for their fish in these cages, feeding them and ensuring they grow well.
Seiring bergantinya siang menjadi malam, para nelayan mulai kembali ke daratan. Mereka akan berkumpul dengan keluarga, berbagi cerita tentang hasil tangkapan hari itu. Di kejauhan, terlihat keramba-keramba ikan yang berjejer rapi di permukaan waduk Lhokseumawe. Setiap hari, para nelayan dengan tekun merawat ikan-ikan mereka di keramba tersebut, memberi mereka makan dan memastikan mereka tumbuh dengan baik.
I deliberately waited on the edge of the reservoir, watching the fishermen return and capturing this beautiful moment with my camera. The view here always manages to raise my enthusiasm and gratitude. Not surprisingly, I never get bored of returning to this place.
Aku sengaja menunggu di tepi waduk, mengamati para nelayan yang kembali dan mengabadikan momen indah ini dengan kameraku. Pemandangan di sini selalu berhasil membangkitkan semangat dan rasa syukurku. Tak heran, aku tak pernah bosan untuk kembali ke tempat ini.
Actually, I'd rather come here earlier. However, this afternoon I was late, so I couldn't capture many moments. Even so, I am still grateful to be able to enjoy the beauty of the sunset and the friendliness of the fishermen in this village.
Sebenarnya, aku lebih suka datang ke sini lebih awal. Namun, sore ini aku terlambat, sehingga tak banyak momen yang bisa aku tangkap. Meskipun begitu, aku tetap bersyukur bisa menikmati keindahan senja dan keramahan para nelayan di kampung ini.
I hope that the story and photos that I share can bring you a sense of the peace and beauty of the atmosphere in the fishing village.
Semoga cerita dan foto-foto yang aku bagikan ini dapat membawa kalian merasakan kedamaian dan keindahan suasana di kampung nelayan.
Those colors and glow look so neat on the water. Some well timed shots of a place that looks very beautiful!
I'm very glad to hear. Thank you for the appreciation. That's why I often take photos at this location.
Amazing photography ✨
Keep up the good work 👍🏼
Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency
Thank you very much my friend