My Entry Monomad Challenge #324 ~ The Beauty of Sunset and the Tenacity of Traditional Fishermen of Lhokseumawe
Hello Hiver in Black And White Community Lover
My entry this time is some pictures of black and white Photos
The atmosphere of the sunset in Lhokseumawe is stunning with fiery orange and red colors, the sky transforms into a captivating natural painting. Even though the day will soon turn into night, the traditional fishermen are still busy looking for fish in the cages in the reservoir where they usually catch fish.
Suasana matahari terbenam di Lhokseumawe memukau dengan warna jingga dan merah yang membara, langit bertransformasi menjadi lukisan alami yang memikat hati. Meskipun hari akan segera berganti malam, para nelayan tradisional masih sibuk mencari ikan di keramba di waduk tempat mereka biasa mencari ikan.
A few days ago, I visited this location but couldn't manage to get the perfect sunset view. Yesterday, I went back there and took a photo at the same location. I was lucky to manage to get a beautiful picture.
Beberapa hari yang lalu, saya mengunjungi lokasi ini tetapi tidak berhasil mendapatkan pemandangan matahari terbenam yang sempurna. Kemarin, saya kembali ke sana dan mengambil foto di lokasi yang sama. Saya beruntung berhasil mendapatkan gambar yang indah.
As I wrote in a previous post, the atmosphere of the sunset and the presence of fishermen on the western horizon of Lhokseumawe reflect the daily lives of coastal communities who depend on fishing for work. In this beautiful moment, their spirit of courage and perseverance radiates in making a living and maintaining traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation. Thus my post this time, and I decided to go back home because it was getting dark.
Seperti yang telah saya tulis dalam postingan sebelumnya, suasana matahari terbenam dan kehadiran nelayan di ufuk barat Lhokseumawe mencerminkan kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat pesisir yang bergantung pada pekerjaan mencari ikan. Dalam momen indah ini, terpancar semangat keberanian dan ketekunan mereka dalam mencari nafkah serta menjaga tradisi yang telah diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi. Demikianlah postingan saya kali ini, dan saya memutuskan untuk kembali pulang karena suasana semakin gelap.
The atmosphere in the afternoon is so beautiful and I really like seeing activities like that in that place.
Thank you for liking my work.
Yes, in this place the view is very beautiful at sunset. You have to go here for sunset photos.
Black and white sunsets can also look spectacular, with the generation of soft tones and backlighting in the frame.
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