A Fun Holiday to Waterboom, The Fun of Playing in the Water on a Calm Thursday
Hello Hiver in CCH Community Lover
How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are
On a bright Thursday morning, my family and I set off for Waterboom, one of the popular water tourism spots that is crowded with residents on weekends. We left home at around 8 am, full of spirit and enthusiasm.
Hari Kamis pagi yang cerah, saya bersama keluarga berangkat menuju Waterboom, salah satu tempat wisata air populer dan ramai dikunjungi warga saat akhir pekan. Kami berangkat dari rumah sekitar pukul 8 pagi, penuh semangat dan antusiasme.
Because we wanted to avoid the crowds, we chose Thursday to visit. It turned out to be the right decision. The atmosphere at Waterboom was not too crowded, so the children could play in the water to their heart's content.
Karena ingin menghindari keramaian, kami memilih hari Kamis untuk berkunjung. Ternyata, keputusan ini tepat. Suasana di Waterboom tidak terlalu ramai, sehingga anak-anak bisa puas bermain air.
The trip to Waterboom took about an hour. Throughout the trip, we told stories and laughed together. When we arrived there, we went straight to the counter to buy entrance tickets.
Perjalanan menuju Waterboom memakan waktu sekitar satu jam. Sepanjang perjalanan, kami saling bercerita dan tertawa bersama. Sesampainya di sana, kami langsung menuju loket untuk membeli tiket masuk.
The cloudy weather made the atmosphere even more comfortable for playing in the water. We immediately unloaded our belongings and headed straight for the swimming pool. The children looked very happy playing in the water and sliding down the slide.
Cuaca yang mendung membuat suasana semakin nyaman untuk bermain air. Kami segera menurunkan barang-barang bawaan dan langsung menuju kolam renang. Anak-anak terlihat sangat senang bermain air dan meluncur di perosotan.
After we were satisfied playing, we took a short break while enjoying the provisions we had brought. There were various kinds of food, ranging from chicken curry, grilled fish.
Setelah puas bermain, kami beristirahat sejenak sambil menikmati bekal yang telah kami bawa. Ada berbagai macam makanan, mulai dari gulai ayam, ikan bakar.
As the day was getting late, we decided to go home. Before leaving this place, we made sure to throw away the trash in its place.
Hari semakin sore, kami pun memutuskan untuk pulang. Sebelum meninggalkan tempat ini, kami memastikan untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya.
The trip to Waterboom with my family was really fun. We hope to repeat it again another time.
Perjalanan ke Waterboom bersama keluarga ini benar-benar menyenangkan. Kami berharap bisa mengulanginya lagi di lain waktu.
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