Rebellion is here! lets check out: Water Splinter [ES/EN]
¡Hola a todos y bienvenidos una vez mas a mi blog! Ya ha pasado algo de tiempo desde que aparecio la nueva edicion y cada dia he aprendido mas y mas sobre ella, ya se han lanzado los Conflits que si no sabes que es, puedes leerlo en ese post, por ahora vamos a seguir empapandonos con todo lo referente a Rebellion, la actual edicion del juego, que como ya habia mencionado en anteriores posts, iba a ser un increible GameChanger.
Hello everyone and welcome once again to my blog! It's been some time since the new edition appeared and every day I've been learning more and more about it, the Conflits has been released, if you don't know what it is, you can read it in that post, for now let's keep soaking with everything about Rebellion, the current edition of the game, which as I had already mentioned in previous posts, was going to be an incredible GameChanger.
Nuevas habilidades, cartas que entraban y otras que salian del formato Modern, cambiandolo por completo y a su vez, cambiando tambien el formato Wild al introducir nuevas cartas en el. Ademas de eso nuevas mecanicas de juego fueron introducidas, como los invocadores duales y las tacticas de batalla, todo eso y mas temas que ya desglose en este post.
De lo que vengo a hablarles hoy, es de las cartas en si, y como ya es costumbre en mi blog, voy a dedicarle un post especifico a cada splinter analizando a profundidad las cartas introducidas, empezando esta vez por el splinter Agua.
New abilities, cards entering and leaving the Modern format, changing it completely and in turn, changing also the Wild format by introducing new cards in it. Besides that, new game mechanics were introduced, such as dual summoners and battle tactics, all of that and more topics that I have already broken down in this post.
What I come to talk about today on this post, is about the Rebellion cards themselves, and as usual this far in my blog, I will dedicate a specific post to each splinter analyzing in depth the cards introduced, starting this time with the Water splinter.
Elemento Agua.
Este splinter presenta 11 cartas nuevas en la edicion Rebellion, 8 monstruos y 3 invocadores, uno de ellos dual, es decir, pueden invocar a dos splinters distintos en batalla. Empecemos analizando a los monstruos:
Chaos Rear Guard
Chaos Rear Guard es un tanque para bajo mana que era extremadamente necesario para este splinter, tiene la habilidad Shield desde el nivel 1 y me parece el sucesor espiritual de Spineback Turtle, de la edicion Alpha. En cambio Daigendark Surveyor es una carta mas estrategica, un antimagia en niveles bajos pero en rangos altos con Slow y Stun, es una carta muy interesante para combinarla con Weapon's Training y darle ataque.
Water Element.
This splinter presents 11 new cards in the Rebellion edition, 8 monsters and 3 summoners, one of them dual, that is, they can summon two different splinters in battle. Let's start by analyzing the monsters:
Daigendark Surveyor
Chaos Rear Guard is a new low mana tank that was extremely necessary for this splinter this far, it has the Shield ability from level 1 and seems to me the spiritual successor of Spineback Turtle, from the Alpha edition. On the other hand, Daigendark Surveyor is a more strategic card, an antimagic at low levels but at high ranks with Slow and Stun, it is a very interesting card to combine with Weapon's Training and give it attack.
Mar Toren Seeker
Aqui tenemos dos cartas con ataque a distancia y bastante similares en cuanto a sus estadisticas, Mar Toren Seeker es una carta que esta obligada por sus habilidades a estar en la ultima posicion de tu equipo, y con el apoyo adecuado sera un counter invencible para el Sneak enemigo, Sultry Barmaid es mas un daño soporte, con su capacidad de aturdir y la nueva habilidad Ambush puede ser un terrible dolor de cabeza si se le usa bien.
Sultry Barmaid
Here we have two cards with ranged attack and quite similar in terms of their stats, same attack, same speed and almost same life, Mar Toren Seeker is a card that is forced by their abilities to be in the last position of your team, and with the right support will be an invincible counter to the enemy Sneak cards, besides that, Sultry Barmaid is more a support damage, with its ability to stun and the new Ambush ability can be a terrible headache if used well.
Anasth Soothsayer
Anasth Soothsayer es un soporte excelente, en su nivel mas alto tiene hasta 5 habilidades y su rango de uso es muy amplio gracias a eso, ademas como tiene ataque magico es una carta que se puede usar en casi cualquier alineacion, quizas su unico punto debil sea su costo de mana, que es bastante alto, algo entendible teniendo en cuenta su potencial. Pirate of Eight con Reach y Blast es el compañero perfecto para Chaos Rear Guard y tambien es de mana bajo, asi que es un combo casi obligado en estos niveles cuando se usa este splinter.
Pirate of Eight
Anasth Soothsayer is an excellent support type card, at its highest level it has up to 5 skills and its range of use is very wide thanks to that, also as it has magic attack is a card that can be used in almost any alignment, perhaps its only weakness is its mana cost of six poins, which is quite high, something understandable considering its potential. Pirate of Eight with Reach and Blast is the perfect companion for Chaos Rear Guard and is also low mana, so it is an almost obligatory combo at these levels when using this splinter.
Sea Dog of Eight
Sea Dog of Eight es un tanque de mana alto, buen ataque Melee y una combinacion de habilidades muy interesante, que se hace tanto defensiva como ofensiva, en batallas de solo Melee esta carta es mortifera. Por otro lado tenemos a Argarux Magus, que en niveles bajos parece una carta mas del monton, la verdad, pero que a partir de rango Plata tiene Bloodlust y no es necesario decir todo lo que significa eso, esta rotisima.
Argarux Magus
Sea Dog of Eight is a high mana tank with 7 points os mana cost, a very good Melee attack and a very interesting combination of skills, which is both defensive and offensive, in Melee-only battles this card is mortifying. On the other hand we have Argarux Magus, which at low levels seems like a card of the bunch, but from Silver rank has Bloodlust and it is not necessary to say everything that means that, it is very very broken.
Ambos invocadores duales, que como ya deberias saber, no tienen ningun buff, cuestan 3 puntos de mana cada uno y su potencial esta en que te permiten invocar 3 splinters. En el caso de Zeddica, Agua, Muerte y Neutral, y en el caso de Prunda Underversh es Luz, Agua y Neutral. Esto de entrada abre un mundo de posibilidades increible en cuanto al armado de equipos, y creo que el haberle eliminado los buffs fue un acierto, para asi evitar el spam hasta el cansancio de estas cartas.
Prunda Underversh
Both dual summoners, which as you should already know, don't have any buff, cost 3 mana points each and their potential is that they allow you to summon 3 splinters. In the case of Zeddica, Water, Death and Neutral, and in the case of Prunda Underversh it is Light, Water and Neutral. This opens an incredible world of possibilities in terms of team building, and I think that eliminating the buffs was a good idea, to avoid spamming these cards to the point of exhaustion.
Y por ultimo
Este invocador hace uso de la nueva mecanica introducida en esta edicion, las tacticas de batalla. Con este invocador lo que debes hacer es, una vez enviado el equipo y antes de que inicie la batalla, elegir uno de sus dos buffs y aplicarlos a tus cartas. En el caso de Rosa puedes o darle +2 de ataque a distancia a 2 de tus cartas, o aplicarle la habilidad Shield a un de tus cartas.
Prophet Rosa
This new water summoner makes use of the new mechanic introduced in this edition, the battle tactics. With this summoner what you must do is, once the equipment is sent and before the battle starts, choose one of its two buffs and apply them to your cards. In Rosa's case you can either give her +2 ranged attack to 2 of your cards, or apply the Shield ability to one of your cards.
Esto amplia demasiado el espectro jugable de este splinter, puedes aumentar el daño a distancia de cartas que ya lo tengan y darles potencia, por ejemplo, Mar Toren Seeker. Puedes tener cartas Melee con Opportunity y agregarle ataque a distancia para que sean mas peligrosas aun, como a Deeplurker por ejemplo. Tomar un tanque con potencia y hacerlo aun mas potente con el Shield, Baakjira por ejemplo, en fin, la cantidad de posibles combinaciones es inmensa y puedes sacar cosas increibles de aqui.
This broadens the playable spectrum of this splinter too much, you can increase the ranged damage of cards that already have it on your team and give them power, for example, Mar Toren Seeker. You can have Melee cards with Opportunity and add ranged attack to make them even more dangerous, like Deeplurker for example. Take a tank with power and make it even more powerful with Shield, Baakjira for example, in short, the amount of possible combinations is immense and you can get incredible things from here.
Todas estas cartas me parecen a mi excelentes adiciones para el formato Modern y el splinter agua, cartas que a estas alturas siguen siendo nuevas y que todavia no se han explotado al maximo de su potencial, asi que todavia queda una brecha grande para explorarlas y conocer hasta donde pueden llegar.
¿Tu que piensas de estas nuevas cartas? ¿Te gustan? ¿Te parecen malas? ¡deja tu comentario! Muchas gracias por haber leido mi post y nos vemos en el siguiente.
All these Rebellion edition new cards for fire splinter seem to me to be excellent additions to the Water splinter, cards that at this point of the year are still considerated as new and have not yet been exploited to see their full potential, so there is still a big gap to explore them and see how far they can go.
What do you think of these new cards? do you like them? do you think they are bad? leave your comment! Thank you very much for reading my post and see you in the next one.
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All game images are taken from the official game website and Splintercards, credits to whom it may concern.

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