Motivation Monday | Here We Go Again

For the first time in a long time, I got a weekly badge. It sounds good to the ears, but if I could remember, at the beginning of this year one of my main goals was to get the yearly badge.

Well, that's going to be an impossible task as I've ditched a lot of days and sometimes weeks of not posting, so that leaves me with just the monthly and weekly badges for this year.

Not that it bothers me about the yearly badge, but it's for the fact that I've even forgotten about the badges that are given to authors on the blockchain because ever since I missed a day of posting early this year, I completely became lazy that I just didn't even try to stick to the weekly and monthly badge goals anymore.

This is how many of us are as we only focus on the big goals and whenever we miss them we altogether just quit without even trying to strive for something smaller.

The little things matters

Just like every other thing in this life, we tend to only focus on the big stuffs while neglecting the little things, steps, and actions that could eventually become something bigger.

For this small reason, we always miss out on many opportunities just because we are waiting for that big break, big goal and big money.

Talking about money, I've been opportune to get my hands on some extra cash which I could've used to get myself some hive but just of the fact that it looks insignificant compared to what I would've liked to buy I didn't follow through with the plan. And the plans i have in buying my desired amount also flopped due to some issues with the person who was suppose to repay me for a loan I got him sometime ago.

Nevertheless, I think it's something that would cost me in the future if I don't start to caution myself and start a new goal that's focused on the little things. With that in mind I won't only be looking to get the weekly badges alone but also I'll make sure I try as much as possible to buy at least 50 Hive every beginning of the month.

Sounds small, right? Yes, that's precisely how I wanted it because if I could follow through with that before the end of the year then that's going to be about 200plus hive added to my stake.

Presently, my account is on a power down which will be stopped after the first payout as there's an emergency that I just need to tackle with all my earnings and funds this week. And after doing my calculation, I'll be in a much better position after a week of sorting things out.

Well, it's a new week and I hope you are also ready to try things again and st new plans and goals where need to be. This is mine and I hope to follow through as I've made it as simple as possible this time.

Thanks for reading.


It shows you are doing well and also encourages you to celebrate every little achievement of Hive as well as Life. :)
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!


Exactly. I almost forgot about the badge aspect entirely and now that I got one I can't wait to get another one this week and never stop.

It's a great encouragement for me to keep going.

Thanks for stopping by🤗
