3 exotic songs by 3 exotic bands


If there is something that music has is that it has the ability to be infinite, there are hundreds of genres already established and I would even dare to say that there are some others to be created, each country, each region and each culture can create their own musical style and modify or adjust the existing ones giving them their own nuances. The recommendations I give through these posts are usually rock and metal songs since they are the musical genres I like the most, and since I have years immersed in those musical styles then I have known any number of bands that have surprised me for their ability and originality.

Today I want to show you 3 songs by 3 bands that are exotic in that they do quite original things, and well, in this particular case they are linked to comedy and parody. These last two elements I just mentioned are rare in rock and metal, it's no secret to anyone that these musical styles are usually quite serious. So get ready because below you will see 3 videos that you probably never thought existed.



The Italian band Nanowar of Steel has as subgenre the Comic Metal, from the beginning they have presented themselves to the world as a band that makes songs of parodies or ironies and this time they made direct allusion to the musical genre reggaeton which as everyone knows is a genre that emerged in the Caribbean that is characterized by lyrics alluding to sexual pleasure, with some exceptions, and well, if there is something that moves away from that genre would certainly be the Norwegian metal. So, what this band did was to compose a song with phrases related to reggaeton, but also making references to the Norwegian lifestyle and the metal that is produced there. The music video is quite a spectacle because of the varied references and ironies it has. I'm not a fan of this band, but my rocking around in the world led me to this song, which I found very funny.

Nanowar Of Steel - Norwegian Reggaeton


The following video is from a Swedish band called BROTHERS OF METAL, and well, the name tells us that the band wanted to be very direct with the musical genre they would share, but the most interesting thing about this band is that their songs are all inspired by the Viking mythology, in fact, their costumes for the stage are more Viking style, just as you will see them dressed in the video they also dress when they play live. Now, as well as they have very serious songs related to the Viking culture, they also have some parody, in this particular video we see how a group that is supposed to be bloodthirsty, wild and eager to conquer, is nothing more than a group of fools “training” to become stronger, and well, what they really do is eat, drink and have fun. This song has a beautiful melody, I love to listen to it often.



The next song is the heaviest of all, it is by a Brazilian heavy metal band called Massacration, and well, the name itself is a parody because, although it seems like a normal name for a metal band, it is noticeable that they just wanted to exaggerate with an extravagant name. All their songs are parodies or mockeries of things they relate to metal and the cliché behavior of those who listen to it. In the video for this song, which is titled “Metal is the law”, we see how a person is being judged according to the laws of metal, but not only that, the judges are quite rigorous when it comes to accepting a person as a true metalhead. The gestures and actions of the protagonists of the video are very funny and exaggerated, but that's what it's all about. What I particularly like the most is the sound of the song, it's quite heavy and catchy, without a doubt a super hit.

Massacration - Metal is the Law


I hope these three songs have aroused your curiosity, as you saw, they are not normal at all and if you really tried to pay attention to them, they surely made you laugh. So it was a pleasure for me to show you a musical variant from rock and metal that you probably didn't know, not everything is darkness haha. It was a pleasure to share, see you next time.


3.662 NEOXAG


¡La verdad es que esto sí se puede llamar variedad! Jajaja, existe de todo y para todos los gustos. Aunque no me identifico mucho con ninguno, me divertí mucho viendo estos videos.

0.022 NEOXAG

En definitiva hay para todos los gustos jaja. Y bueno, me alegra que usted se haya divertido con éstos videos, mi intención en principio era que los usuarios vieran algo totalmente distinto. ¡Saludos!

0.000 NEOXAG

¡Pues o lograste! 😉👍

¡Brindemos por eso!


0.024 NEOXAG

I think I really need to listen to this song very well because I am loving it. The beats are so energetic and entertaining. Thanks for sharing.

0.022 NEOXAG

It was a pleasure to share these 3 exotic songs, I'm glad you liked them.

0.000 NEOXAG

Yeah bro. Will add them to my song library

0.000 NEOXAG
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0.021 NEOXAG

I'm a simple Italian metalhead: I see Nanowar of Stell, I upvote 100%
They're one of my favourite bands, I saw them live like 6 times 😂 and I always play Norwegian regaetton at parties

0.000 NEOXAG

So you're a fan of Nanowar haha, they're a pretty particular band, you're lucky to have seen them live several times, it must be a spectacle. My favorite Italian band is Vision Divine, I think they are underrated, but their first albums are an example of good Power Metal.

Thank you for your support!

0.000 NEOXAG

Yes, they are super hilarious 😂 obviously being Italian it's better because I understand their Italian songs that are so fun to listen to.
They even made a song about Lord of the rings but sung like stadium football choirs!

0.000 NEOXAG

hahaha, definitely my team would be SampMoria 😂. This song is epic, I don't understand Italian very well, but fortunately I can see the English subtitles. Thanks for sharing this song!

0.000 NEOXAG

Que videos más raros jjjj bien creativos @musicandreview 😹😄, buena escogida para compartirnos por la plataforma. Nunca los había escuchado. Saludos desde cuba 🇨🇺 😉👌🙏🏻!!!

0.000 NEOXAG

Precisamente la idea era que quienes llegaran a éste post vieran algo totalmente distinto. Me alegra que te haya parecido interesante, saludos!

0.002 NEOXAG

I totally agree with you man, the musical genre is infinite. Infact, the more we listen, the more we discover and cosi via
These are really exotic tunes.
Your musical taste is high man, I salute you

0.000 NEOXAG