The Perfect Weekend: A Story of Unforgettable Moments


Hello everyone , trust y’all had a good day. Welcome to my blog!


I remember one weekend in particular as the perfect vacation. It was a weekend full of fun activities, rest, delicious meals, and spending time with close friends and family. I never wanted that weekend to end because it was amazing from beginning to end.

A few years ago, I went on an unplanned trip outside my city with some of my closest friends (it wasn’t that far tho) , and that trip stands out in my memory as one of these memorable weekends.

My best friend suggested over the phone that we spend a weekend away from the city to relax, and that's how it all began. We immediately arranged to rent a lodge in that area, buy lots of games and food, and then spend a few days relaxing and catching up. She then made a contact to an agent who specializes in travel and vacation planning, and he kindly assisted us in securing a lodge before our arrival.

She requested a cab to pick us up from her apartment and drive us to the location on the D-day.
The clean air and peaceful surroundings brightened us up as soon as we got to the lodge.

We had a bonfire night with new friends we made there and told stories that made us laugh till our sides hurt. We had a great time touring the various locations in that area, especially their local stream and eateries. We cooked and shared bush meat that one of the people we met and became friends with had caught on his farm, and we complemented it with fresh palmwine from the area.

We had the kind of weekend where everything seemed to stop, including schedules, stress, and to-do lists.
The weekend's greatest aspect was how it strengthened our bonds as friends. We created lifelong memories, confessed our worries, and shared secrets. We had the kind of honest, deep talks that only occur in the company of close friends.

We were all a little sad to leave our little paradise when the weekend came to an end. However, we were certain that the memories we had created would last a lifetime as we made our way back to our city.

Looking back, the weekend was more than an unforgettable vacation.
It served as a helpful reminder of the value of setting aside time to relax, unwind, and spend with the people we care about.

I now remember that weekend in the lodge anytime life becomes too busy or stressful. I recall how simple it was, and yet how amazing it was. I recall our happiness and laughter and the fun times we all had there.
Even though I know it will happen soon, there are moments when I wish I could have another wonderful and great weekend like that one again.

I urge you to schedule one of those kinds of weekends right away if you haven't had one recently. Get out and see the world, spend time with people that make you laugh, and let go of your worries.

Thanks for reading...

I am @mummygo

Your Proud Farmercist
Minister of smiles😊


I think the first time I had a bonfire with friends was the most amazing time shared with friends and it hood to know you have had an amazing weekend too.


That was a lot of unwinding and relaxation.. catching up with friends...who would want such weekend to stop, haha

Those kind of weekends needs to be scheduled from time to time of money isn't an object
Thanks for participating
