You can be a Blogger


Social media has become the leading influencer for all of us. Wherever you go and whatever you do, social media helps you to learn. If it amazes you what social media can do to all of us. I'm sure you are one of those people being entertained. If you are thinking that way then how about you'll become a content creator and let other people be entertained because of you. Of course, you are not doing it just for free but to earn money by doing so.

I know a lot of us are scared to write or to start blogging. Even though we are aware of the earnings, the thoughts don't know how to start or what to do about it. We are too concerned about writing a really good one which is a bit exaggerated. We forgot that nothing comes good right away from just starting.

Talking about the grammar thing, the kind of content, and many more. Actually, they are just the reasons given to ourselves not to admit that we are afraid to start something we are not used to. We are just trying to persuade ourselves that it's not our thing which is a very wrong kind of thinking.


All of us start as beginners and it could be like an idiot who doesn't know what's going on. It's obvious because the knowledge is not just encrypted in our brains that easily. It takes hard work and dedication before we can finally learn the things we want. It's like a child will be talking a few times of practice in walking before can finally walk by himself.

There's another thing as well and that is the thought of giving up. By diving into something new and hardly noticed, we thought of it that it's not our thing. Again, it is as if convincing ourselves to just forget it because thinking of it is not our role or it's not our destiny. But I'm telling you, before we can finally eat the fruits it takes time and effort to make it happen. How can we understand success without failure?

There's nothing wrong with being bad at something we are just new. It's not wrong either if we failed even though we worked so hard for it or dedicated ourselves to it. Think of it as the step by step process before achieving something new. Just don't stop yourself from discovering something new for you to unlock new skills. Tell me, why will you not start blogging when there are so many opportunities?


Not just those people who can do the blogging. You can be as well if you'll just not stop yourself from doing it. Everyone can be a blogger by their individual niche. You don't need to copy them or to be like them. Find something you are comfortable to do in your content. Write something which makes you think easier for you and makes you happy for it.

Not all maybe but I think there will be someone who might be interested in your own story. What if you can write something like a journal. Just like your every activities everyday. Maybe some people might find it interesting as a good storyteller does. All you need is the situations and happenings that may be something new to them. Who knows and there's no harm of trying, right?

That's why you can do it like them and I'm confident to say it. Why anyway you can not when all of us have brains that can be manifested if we are just willing to try. Don't think it's too late because there will always be something new for someone trying to do new things. Just be optimistic and be open-minded. As long as its you, there's only one thing you can only do.

Thank you for reading

All content is my own unless otherwise noted
If images are being recycled, I just found it fit in my article.



Paul is the name but prefers to be called mrnightmare that feels like living in the dream. A country boy and a dreamboy (dreamer) who likes to stay in a small village even though it means abandoning the future to become a seaman. The passion is writing but not sailing in the vast ocean. Don't wonder if the face will not be shown, this is better where the words can flow smoothly. Come, you can tell me your stories and I'll tell you mine. Together, let's explore the world by broadening our thoughts. If you need a shoulder I can lean you mine and I hope I can lean yours. The world is fun when living is not being alone but with someone.



Social media enhances our knowledge. No doubt that the first step in content writing is always shaky. But time ahead that is likely to change. And when we learn it will easier for us. I'm also new here so I'm not getting the same Interaction as the older user to get here. And I have to struggle to get to that position. This task is difficult but not impossible.and no doubt we are all here for earning. If we don't get reward on two or three articles, then we should focus more on our work instead of giving up. Then the day is not far when we will be rewarded for our hard work. So don't lose hope. Yes we can be good content writer. Patience is our first power here.


Very true, patience is always the key. At first, we will feel like being ignored or abandoned but it's fine. In a new place, getting friends is not easy so it should be expected.



You'll never know if you never try.🚬😎


This is a really great push to those who are still finding it hard to start blogging. You've taken a very good time to x-ray blogging to us and I think this will be very useful and helpful to many.

Blogging is easy when we put our m to it, it is something that teaches us to stay focused on whatever we are doing and so far, blogging has been the best part of me.

Thank you @mrnightmare89 for sharing this beautiful piece with us 💕.


Really? Then blogging will not be that hard for you. One thing is for sure if you love what you do there's no way you'll get bored and be disappointed by so many things.

Thanks again.


Not that it's all that easy but, I love it so I enjoy doing it.

You're welcome friend 🥰.


I think writing is such kind of thing which help us to explore . And in the beginning a writer should be dedicated in writing without thinking about earning.


Very true, if a writer always focus on earnings she/he will be stressed out. A good writer enjoys the pieces depending on the reactions of the readers.

