My Easter Sunday


Who wouldn’t want to be happy knowing the person you love will rise from the dead. Of course, the joy will be incomparable and unexplainable. To show this joyful feeling, celebration with family and friends is the way to express it. So, Easter Sunday is about the celebration of the rise of Jesus Christ. When Good Friday is about mourning the death, Easter Sunday is about rejoicing because of the rising.


Picnic or going to a beach is the best thing to do for bonding. Happiness is what most people seek during this time. That’s why most people decide to go on beaches, bringing food, drinks and even bringing friends to make the time livelier. Yeah, beaches will for sure be filled with the number of people. Expect that it will be crowded but this will make this day of Easter will be happier.


Though sometimes, no matter how someone loves to participate in the fun and to experience it, it’s not always possible. The time, financial status and life status are sometimes the reasons for not joining the fun. I remember the time when I was younger, I was young back then and our family was complete. Although, I could say that compared to now, our life status is lower. Buying pork to bring to the beach to celebrate Easter Sunday was not easy to afford. Even so, we all had smiles on our faces and we had so much fun.

It’s kind of sad how I miss the old times. All I can do for now is to recall the happiest times of the past. I just glimpsed to other people of the moments I wish to experience again. Especially on this special day, I wish to be with my family. Even though I’m the one who holds my time, it’s not easy to do things as I pleased. Indeed, my thoughts are kind of lonely, right? Well, that’s what I felt on that Sunday even though it should be full of love and happiness since it was Easter Sunday.


I didn’t want myself to drown in my emotions. I decided to go out, went to a beach. Fortunately, there was a group of families whom I know. I was walking through the shore when they called me and without hesitation I joined them. I didn’t want my Easter Sunday to be filled with darkness in my heart. I drank a little bit of alcohol and then drowned myself to the sea. It was amazing and I’d come to realization that you should not force things to happen if it’s impossible. Hence, find a way how to make yourself happy even if it will be a different one. What’s important is the feeling that will still be the same.


I then found myself to feel being alive again. The unexpected happening brought a sun in my heart. The facial expression of others became mine as well. Instead of bragging about the life status now and keep comparing of the past. Move on and find a way by accepting the kind of life I’m having.


When I started in the first stanza about who wouldn’t be happy of this Easter Sunday. I was referring on my emotion what I felt after I experienced that special day. I wrote it immediately by the time I went home on that Sunday. It was delayed because of many things need to be done. So yeah, happiness showered me already.

Thank you for reading

All content is my own unless otherwise noted
If images are being recycled, I just found it fit in my article.



Paul was born in Macrohon, Southern Leyte but currently living in Cahayag, San Francisco Southern Leyte. He graduated the course of a BS Mar-E or Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering in 2019. Although writing is his passion so instead of sailing he decided on writing.

He writes occasionally about random stuff he would see in the outside world. He loves to express what he feels through writing because he's not good at speaking personally.

He also writes fictional stories and emotions because he thinks life matters. He is hoping that his words could reach someone who might be feeling down.

Join me and support me through my adventures not just to the world but also to the human minds not to hate being alive.

You can find me here:

discord - mrnightmare89#2161

