Knowledge Is Power: Easy Access To Knowledge Is More Power

Is it true that we are better privileged than our progenitors? I think we are better informed than them. The world has advanced in knowledge due to the presence of the internet and Artificial Intelligence. This topic reminds me of the time we had a debate at school. The topic was "Science Has Done More Harm Than Good To Mankind". It was such a debate that there was a loud noise as the debaters took turns to tell the audience what their position was on the topic.

Today, our access to knowledge is cheap because the facilities to get the necessary information are at our fingertips.

Another thing that is not too nice with the available information and knowledge is that it makes us pretty lazy. You will notice that researchers do not have to do proper field work to write a project research anymore, all they do is to ask the internet which provides them with available data. This has propagated improper research results in recent times in nearly all fields.

A family friend was discussing with my wife the other day and I heard her say that she will never take her children to any public health facility anymore. She related how a medical doctor had to consult the internet to find the meaning of a medical laboratory result and the drugs that help the patient. It is that bad.


However, cheap access to knowledge or information has been helpful in so many ways.
Learning has become very easy. To learn or develop.a skill does not require you to attend the four walls of a classroom. A video or two from youtube would help savage one's interest. Materials that are needed to develop your new idea are already being researched and the information needed are either done in video, voice or written out. This has in no small measure helped individuals to expand their knowledge.

Easy access to knowledge and information has turned many people to become creative and innovative by exposing people to new ideas. In one of the universities in Northern Nigeria, a student who could no longer afford the school fees dropped out and started to develop a car that runs on solar energy. All he did was to make himself useful by accessing information on the internet and YouTube. Today, companies and nations are beginning to ask him to produce electric vehicles for them. Some even paid in advance such that his dreams have been supported.

It is one way that we could drastically reduce the rate of unemployment in our polity. You know, some folks have spoken about the difference between the rich and the poor, which they said is information. Access to information could make you break the jinx of poverty and become an entrepreneur and also to make informed choices. An informed person does not only escape unemployment he also contributes favourably to the society.

Edward Jenner

Once we have an idea about a matter, we are able to take precaution from becoming a victim. For instance, a lot of people got to know that most diseases enter the human body through their hands. In 2020, when the covid-19 pandemic was fully blown, we watched on television and heard from radio and all other media how important it is to wash our hands regularly. To keep a healthy lifestyle, it is important that we have the knowledge about what exists in our space.

To be a problem solver for oneself in this time and generation, we need to have knowledge. And fortunately, knowledge is no longer expensive as it was in the days of our ancestors. One does not need to go too far to get a solution to a matter anymore.

Before jumping into conclusion, when we have knowledge about an idea, we escape the possibility of falling into trouble. Hence, access to information or knowledge helps us to evaluate our thought process before enacting it.

However, not everyone has the luxury of seeking these channels of knowledge to get lasting solutions to problems that arise on their path. Many people still think the crude method is the way to go. The percentage of those who seek knowledge through these available means is high. Knowledge is power but anyone who is seeking to be knowledgeable should be mindful of what his or her wisher could be.



Well said.
Just like I read in someone's blog, the ideas are loaded in the internet but it takes special searches and attentions to get the real, required one. Just line the medical person that searched for test result online to arrive at a solution 😅


Available materials on the internet could be very incorrect. This is one of the problems we are facing in our time.
We have become lazy and all.manner of information is provided, the lazy people will go ahead to swallow the wrong information, hook, line and sinker without making further inquiry.


Nice write-up.
Easy access to information has made life much easier for us compared to our ancestors, who had to walk long distances to obtain information. Nowadays, if we're clueless about something, instead of traveling miles, all we need to do is pick up our smartphones, type in our question, and bam, we get the answer instantly.
However, despite being far more fortunate than our ancestors, thanks to advancements like AI, some people don’t even take advantage of it. They take this convenience for granted.


Technology have made life so easy. Though, we enjoy the many advantages, I can assure you that there are disadvantages like laziness that has affected man over time.


Rightly said, access to information is what makes us more difficult than others. But knowing how to not fall for misinformation is also important. Good write-up.


Exactly my point.
The more we know, the more difficult we become.


Bzzzrrr, você está absolutamente certo! Acesso fácil à informação é poder! Zuuzz, o mundo avançou muito devido ao internet e IA. Agora, podemos aprender em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora. Bzzt, é incrível! #hivebr

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