Healthcare Innovation : Advancing Healthcare in Every Community"
Hello everyone, how are you? This is my first post in the new community. I hope that everyone can bring about some positive change by sharing their experiences and opinions on this platform. I am really impressed by the content of your contest, because you have given us an opportunity to discuss a very important aspect of our society.
I am a Bangladeshi. And when it comes to the healthcare system in Bangladesh, it is a complex and diverse picture. There are quite a few modern hospitals and clinics in urban areas, where high-quality treatment is available. However, many people in rural areas are still deprived of even the minimum healthcare. I don't know about other regions, but the people of my village still follow many superstitions. They still go to the tantrics for the solution of many complex diseases. But they don't go to the doctor. Of course, there are many reasons for not going. First of all, the income of the people in the village is low, if they go to the doctor, they will have to do many different medical tests, which they have to come to the city to get done, and the medicines are very expensive. For this, they go to those tantrics.
There are basically two big problems here. I have already mentioned the first one. Secondly, lack of awareness. Many people do not know how important primary care can be. A collective effort is needed to solve these problems.
The development of technology has opened the door to a huge potential for us but in the urban areas. But if some system like telemedicine is implemented, which is a solution that can make medical advice easily available to people in rural and remote areas. A lot of people in villages who use the internet and smartphones. A patient in a village can communicate with a specialist doctor even from a distance. Yes, not everyone can use the internet, it is true, but they can get help from those who can.
Besides, I think NGOs can also play a big role in addressing this challenge. Although they have started it, the scale is very small. If they set up health centers and introduce affordable medical services, then the people of the villages will get more cooperation. NGOs are already doing various social development works, so health care can be an important part of this initiative. Why did I mention NGOs and a half? NGOs are mainly in touch with the rural people because their work is to provide loans, education and various types of training to such people. I am writing this from what I know. If they expand the provision of healthcare services, it will increase health awareness among the rural people.
Public-private partnerships can play an important role in solving these problems. It is necessary to improve the infrastructure of hospitals, provide attractive facilities for doctors and encourage them to work in rural areas. Providing better working conditions and modern equipment will increase the motivation of our doctors and nurses.
Finally, collective efforts are essential at every level of our society. If we work together as individuals and as a society, it is possible to build a strong, accessible and quality healthcare system. This will not only improve our quality of life, but will also help in building a healthy nation.
Thank you for reading my post. I hope that together with everyone in this community, we will find a beautiful future.
Your post highlights a crucial issue, @mrarhat, and your ideas are both practical and impactful. Lack of access and awareness in rural areas is a universal challenge. Do you think telemedicine could also tackle superstitions by making reliable healthcare more accessible?
Thank you. Look, telecommunication systems have reduced the distance between people a lot. If that work can be done in the medical sector, it will be more effective. If educated children can be trained on this subject, they will be able to communicate this to their families. If they face any physical problems, they can get quick and effective solutions through telemedicine. For this, I think telemedicine is an effective way
Thoughtful response
For some reasons we are mostly inclined to seek the traditional form of treatment because we have seen it work lol. I am all for going to the hospital but certain things are best treated locally in my opinion.
A perfect example is a fractured arm.😂