[ESP-ENG ]~ My son José's first orchestra rehearsal 🎶🎵
Feliz día amigos de #motherhood es muy grato estar nuevamente en este espacio compartiendo con ustedes los avances de mi hijo José Guillermo con el clarinete. 🎶
Happy day friends of #motherhood is very pleased to be back in this space sharing with you the progress of my son José Guillermo with the clarinet.
As I mentioned a few months ago, my son is taking lessons at the clarinet school of the Orchestras and Choirs of Venezuela, Cumana. From the beginning the teacher said that he was a very attentive child, with an excellent ear and that he learned very fast, for health reasons José was absent for several weeks, which is why he could not participate in a first concert where his classmates made their debut, a situation that had him a little discouraged, as he constantly expresses his desire to play in the orchestra.
Para nuestra sorpresa cuando llegamos hoy a la clase habitual el profesor le indicó que tendría su primer ensayo con la orquesta! 🎉
To our surprise when we arrived at the regular class today, the professor told him that he would have his first rehearsal with the orchestra.🎉
No sé quién estaba más emocionado, si José Guillermo o yo, lo cierto es que decidí quedarme en la clase, eso sí, un poco alejada para que no se incomodara con mi presencia || I don't know who was more excited, José Guillermo or me, the truth is that I decided to stay in the classroom, a little far away so that he wouldn't feel uncomfortable with my presence.
In the first instance they rehearsed the wind and woodwind instruments separately, and then, following the conductor's instructions, they assembled with the strings. It should be noted that the orchestra in the city of Cumaná does not have its own headquarters, so it occupies several spaces in the city, such as Guaqueri Park, a place where a large number of children and young people eager for music converge every day.
Ver tantos rostros felices realizando una actividad que potencia el desarrollo de las cualidades de un artista es algo muy emocionante, una muestra de la gran labor que desde hace 48 años realiza el sistema de Orquestas a nivel nacional y que ha servido de ejemplo en varias naciones.
Seeing so many happy faces performing an activity that enhances the development of the qualities of an artist is something very exciting, a sign of the great work that the Orchestras system has been doing for 48 years at a national level and that has served as an example in several nations.
The rehearsal passed in an orderly manner and without interruptions. At the end, the children who today joined the ranks of the children's orchestra received a well-deserved congratulations from the teachers and they also reminded them that as in any subject, discipline, perseverance and perseverance are fundamental elements to achieve any goal.
In addition to all that joy, we were also notified that due to José's performance he will be assigned a better quality instrument, since the one he currently has is a little difficult to sound, so I can only tell you that I am proud of my little boy and at times like this is when I remember that for his happiness every effort is valuable.
Fuentes / Sources:*
Traductor || Translator: Deepl
Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad tomadas con un Xiaomi Red mi 9 || All images are my own taken with a Xiaomi Red mi 9.
Los collages editados en || The collages edited in PicsApp
Separador de texto||Text separator
¡Qué bello es encauzar a un niño por la música, y ya veo que este niño tiene mucho talento para el clarinete, además de ser instruido de manera académica! A mi único hijo se le inculcó también, y su madre lo ha apoyado muchísimo.
Se siente una gran satisfacción llevarlo de la mano por este camino. El apoyo de los padres siempre será primordial, pues los hace sentir seguros y confiados de que van por buen camino! ✨
Excelente que los niños sientan amor por la música esto los ayuda en su desarrollo y a ser mas sensibles. Paso a paso llegara a ser un gran músico. Felicitaciones amiga @morenaluna
Amén 🙏 y muchas gracias. En José tengo un vivo ejemplo de progreso luego de empezar en la Orquesta, ahora es un niño más participativo, interactúa más con otras personas... Eso solo por mencionar dos de los aspectos en los que ha crecido!!
Felicidades a tu pequeño por pasar a formar parte de la orquesta. Es increíble como deben practicar, y yo me quejaba porque la sede a la que asiste mi hija no tiene aire.
Aman realmente lo que hacen, de eso no hay dudas!
Muchas gracias, en casa todos compartimos su alegría. 🥰 En el ensayo de hoy los zancudos estaban haciendo de las suyas con los que llevaron pantalón corto... 🙈 Definitivamente no hay dudas de que son felices en el mundo de la música!