The unforgettable peaceful protest 

Right from the beginning, I've been experiencing strikes in my life. Should I start from when I was in higher education? I was so happy because I gained admission to school. I mean, you were even given the course I wished to take. I was happy, but then that was when the strike began. I thought it was a joke. Poor me. I was just in 100th grade back then. I don't know anything or even what to do.


At first, I thought the strike would not last more than a week or a maximum of a month. But I was kidding. The strike lasted for more than eight months. I wasn't just affected, but this strike slowed my education. I had to start learning vocational work so I could survive. In fact, a lot of people had lots of hope at that school and went to another school to start all over again. But I couldn't because I don't have money to do any of this.

I had to wait till the strike was over; I had already paid my school fee. How can I not wait because, either I like it or not, I can't afford to pay for another school?
At some point, I wanted to drop out too, but then I realized if I did what others did, it would affect me. I might not be able to attend any school again. Because it was by the grace of God that I got that one. All that has been said. There was another protest at my school that affected me the most.

Another protest that affected my life was the one that happened in the year 2020. Actually, this one affected the whole country. What happened was police brutality. It has gotten to the level in my country where most youths cannot move freely because of police brutality.


The fact that police are not allowed to check phones if it's not a crime scene isn't effective in my country. I can't count how many times I've been stopped by, so they could search me. Especially if you are dressing nicely. Automatically, you will be stopped. Even if you aren't doing anything fraudulent, you will still be stopped. They had been doing all this before it escalated in 2020. In fact, they had been doing it to the extent that if you drag things with them, you will be shot to death.

To stop all this police brutality and bad government. There was a peaceful protest that started that year. People are fed up, and we believe that was the only way to survive. To fight for ourselves. When this began, it was so peaceful, but then it affected everyone in the country in one way or another. Lots of activities were shot down. In fact, cars or buses can move freely.

The protest lasted for weeks. But the government was tired of our peaceful protest. Now, to make sure they take it down, they sent soldiers after some weeks of the protest. And these so-called soldiers came and killed lots of people. They killed, and to date, they said nothing happened. We have seen so many videos of them shooting and killing the people doing the peace protest, and no one talks about it.

After the protest, we see people coming out and talking about how their loved ones lost their lives in the protest.
People know the truth, and believe me, we couldn't do anything about it. The family of the deceased couldn't do anything because we couldn't fight the government. No one in my country would forget what happened on that day.

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8 months strike?
This is serious o
Imagine going through all that to complete school and then struggle to look for job?


My dear, it's only God can help us. Believe me it's not easy.


As long as you are part of the Nigerian school system, you must experience a strike except if you are attending a private university then you are not eligible for strike.


And we don't have money for private university, God have mercy on us.


It's quite dishearting how we're always affected by strikes, most of this African nations care less about her citizens and so the state we're today.

Well thank God some of those vocation studies are now helping you in one way.


I'm so thankful I do not waste my time then, that is why I started doing vocational work. Thanks for stopping by.


Police brutality is sickening. In so many African countries though, if it is not the police doing it, then it is the army.


Exactly, we hope there's a way to stop it. But believe me the government are also in support of them.

Thanks for stopping by, it means a lot.
