Battle mage secrets.
On a normal day, I love to play as many battles as I want, but I couldn't do that anymore because I don't have a good power supply. I was just talking to a friend now to get a solar fixed to my apartment. I mean, the frustration is getting unbearable. Here is one of my battles this week.
The rule of the game is rise of the commons, which means only common and rear monsters may be used in the battles. 41, a mana cap was given to me, and four elements were present.
I chose the Thaddius summoner so it will reduce their health minus one and also magic. Meanwhile, I love using the Thaddius summoner because of its monsters.
I move ahead to choose cursed windeku and already increased it's level to level 8. It has three abilities. Thorns ability: when hit with melee attack, it does two damages back to the attacker. Heal ability; this will restore the third max health to itself after each round. Slow ability: this reduces all enemies speed by one.
I moved ahead to choose Chaos Jailer: this card has four abilities. Opportunity ability: units with this ability may attack firm any position and will target the enemy units with the lowest health. Ambush ability: at the beginning of the battle, these units get to attack first. Poison ability: attacks have a 50 percent chance to apply poison to it's opponents, and this will do automatically damage to it's opponents at the beginning of every round. Slow ability: this reduces the speed of all enemies by one.
I chose Venari bonesmith. This card has three abilities. Life leech. This unit gets to increase its health each time it damages an enemy unit's health by half. Poison ability: this unit attacks have a 50 percent chance to apply poison to it's opponents, and this will do automatically damage to it's opponents at the beginning of every round. Dispel ability: when this unit hits an enemy, it clears all the positive status effects on that enemy.
I also select Nimbledook Ranger; this is a range card, and it has two abilities. Snipe ability: it targets the first enemy units with ranged, magic card, or no attack; this is not in the first position with range and magic card. Double strike ability: this unit gets to attack twice each round it attacks.
I selected Fenmoor Haunt, a melee card but have a sneak ability. This unit targets the last unit on the enemy instead of the first unit and attacks it.
Lastly, I chose. Heleim demon. This card has two abilities. Flying ability: this unit has a 25 percent bonus chance of evading melee or ranged attacks from units that do not have the flying ability. Taunt ability: all enemy units target and attack this unit only if they can.
My opponent selected good cards, but I was able to defeat him because he's not a match for me. Meanwhile, the healing abilities and some other things I used work well for me, and that's the reason I was able to defeat my opponent. And some the battle.