It's all about blooming.

Today I want to share with you some detail pictures of my cacti and succulents, I hope you like them, by the way I am still selling some of my pots because I really need more space to make my transplants from the seedbeds, it is a pity but it is necessary to do it, so let's start.

Let's start with the flowering of the echeveria azulita, I have always said that the flowers of succulents is something that I do not really like, compared to the sizes, shapes and colors of the flowers of cacti, the blooms of succulents are almost always the same, but when they are just starting flowering is something different and I do like to see them, and you?


I have pots that simply overflow because the succulents no longer fit in the pot, this sedum is an example of this.


The flowers of echinopsis oxigona are big and with a beautiful color, here it was a little difficult to get the picture but I think it looked pretty good.


Now let's see one of the cactus that I like the most, in spite of not having a big specimen the Obregonia Denegrii have always been one of my favorites, luckily I already have several from last year's sowing, this is one of them but it is destined to grow on its own roots, it looks small next to the ones that are grafted, and the time it will need to give its first flower will be eternal, but hopefully we will be here to see that moment.


Some time ago I bought four Astrophytum Myriostigma Nudum, don't ask me why, I simply did it in spite of having a few in the seedbeds, I left two of them on their roots and grafted two of them, one of them is already developing flower buds and began to produce (stigmas)?, it's weird but I'll see how it all ends, I guess that in the genetics there was common Myriostigma.


And since I am talking about the Myriostigma, let's see the flowering in one of them, it is in another greenhouse that I made but that has the transparent plastic, to avoid the excess of sun it is under the mesh shade and the heat is intense but it has given me good results, many of the seedbeds are in this place, and the flowering of the cactus is intense.



Last year I bought a pair of Melocactus Matanzanus and one of them as I mentioned before is already developing the cephalium, and you can even see some of the flowers it will have, reproducing this type of cactus is relatively simple, its fruits give many seeds and almost all germinate, without forgetting that these cacti give many fruits, I have germinated seeds directly from fruits that have been given to me, this year I will try to count all the seeds I can collect.


And finally something that has me quite worried, this pot with lovibias does not give flowers as it should, well actually the yellow one has not stopped giving flowers, but the red one has not even started, they are the same species and need the same care, and being in the same pot we know they have the same nutrients, however the red one resists to bloom, anyway I have the patience to keep waiting, sooner or later it must bloom.


Thanks for watching the post, see you in the next one.


I can't wait for spring!


Actually the summer season has already started here in Mexico, and by the way, I already harvested almost 300 Myriostigma seeds, it's time to make new seedbeds.


Muy linda las Suculentas 😍. Si hay que tener paciencia con la floración de los Cactus, son hermosas sus flores, vale la pena la espera 👍.


La paciencia lo es todo, y la recompensa sale a la vista, saludos.
