

Hola amigos, les muestro mi segundo post y me siento complacida en poder mostrarlos en esta plataforma, bueno hice unos cuadros esteticos super delicados que de seguro haran lucir elegante una habitacion, los hice con ese proposito, que cualquier persona que los desee llene de arte una habitacion ensu hogar, dando un toque fragil y sencillo a la vista

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Como observan es una composicion que comence a realizar con lapiz de tono HB lapiz que es usado para dibujo por su tonalidad suave al trazo, y para prevenir manchas, usé regla para realizar las palabras y que quedaran perfectas, en el caso del rostro lo hice a total pulso.

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Y para finalizar la composicion usé netamente plumilla, ya que logra un efecto sutil y delicado en cualquier obra, logrando facilmente el trazo, sin necesidad de pasar repetidas veces el mismo.

Espero os guste y recibo con todo el amor sus comentarios <3


Hello friends, I show you my second post and I am pleased to be able to show them on this platform, well I made some super delicate aesthetic pictures that will surely make a room look elegant, I made them for that purpose, that anyone who wants them fill with art a room in your home, giving a fragile and simple touch to the view.
Hello friends, I show you my second post and I am pleased to be able to show them on this platform, well I made some super delicate aesthetic pictures that will surely make a room look elegant, I made them for that purpose, that anyone who wants them fill with art a room in your home, giving a fragile and simple touch to the view.

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photo1661046482 (6).jpeg

As you can see it is a composition that I started to make with HB pencil, a pencil that is used for drawing because of its soft tonality to the stroke, and to prevent stains, I used a ruler to make the words so that they would be perfect, in the case of the face I did it with a total pulse.

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And to finish the composition I used purely nib, as it achieves a subtle and delicate effect in any work, easily achieving the stroke, without the need to pass it repeatedly.

I hope you like it and I receive with all my love your comments <3
