Weeding and taking care of Our soya beans at flowering stage.


Hello Hive

Today I made a short video to show you my friends our soya beans in the farm and it's level of development.
Most times when I write about these farm blogs you may find it a little bit boring reading about the details.

This is a grow and learn situation in the farm for me, the very first times I decided to do a lot of things, first from venturing into commercial farming and then to planting and growing some crops different from the norms. I am quite used to growing corn and rice in my family farm, but for my own personal farm here I have started with having to plant additional varieties of crops.


It will only be fair if we do not have to plant only starchy food. Adding proteinous foods like soya beans, groundnuts and others will give our families a balance of nutrients in our meals.
We have had various debates about the proper timing for planting soya beans. Some say the Month of June is fine while others argue that having planted in June it may start flowering when the rains are heavy, because heavy rains will wash off fertilization and flower development that should lead developed grains in the pods.


In our own case we have planted the first set of soya beans in the month of May paying some labourers to assist us with the planting. Having realized that they did a mediocre job for us. We then went back to purchase more seeds, going over the planting one more time.


These two categories of soya beans are developing at different stage and this is where we grow and learn the proper conditions needed by these plants to grow.

More specifically I love the different meals prepared using the proteinous soya beans and I will be really happy if this leads to success and I am able to harvest some soya beans seeds here.

I hope that you learn something from here, advice comments and reactions are welcome.


Weeding is one very important activity a farmer must ensure is done to enhance better yield
